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August 2012: Want to know how REDD+ has evolved the past years? Have a look here......


Want to learn more about the basics of REDD+?

All those global officials responsible for REDD-plus ►

If you want to have an introduction to REDD+, if you want to understand deforestation, why it happened and where it still happens then follow this link, we will lead you the right direction - and, don't miss "Don't demonize deforestation!"...

More Information

Lost in space because of all those specific terms when reading deforestation texts?

Glossary of Forests related Climate specific terms

Want to know some background info of UN-REDD programme?

UN-REDD came up with a Q&A in July 2010


All global forest info at your mousecklick...

FAO | vor 14 Jahre 3 months

  World deforestation, mainly the conversion of tropical forests to agricultural land, has decreased over the past ten years but continues at an alarmingly high rate in many countries, FAO announced today.

Climate-L | vor 14 Jahre 3 months

The UN-REDD Programme Policy Board met for its fourth meeting from 18-19 March 2010, in Nairobi, Kenya, and approved US$14.7 million in funding for national UN-REDD programmes in Bolivia, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Zambia. This decision brings the total amount of funding for UN-REDD...

Kenya Forests Blogs | vor 14 Jahre 3 months

The KFS recently played host to about 50 UNDP visitors in the Kikuyu Escarpment, all of who are members of the UN REDD Policy Board. The policy members who are drawn from various countries around the world visited tree nurseries and the Kikuyu Escarpment Forest which has been partially fenced...

UN-REDD | vor 14 Jahre 3 months

The UN-REDD Programme releases its inaugural Year in Review report for 2009.

Climate-L | vor 14 Jahre 3 months

Tuvalu came to Copenhagen with the aim of “sealing the deal.” Six months earlier we had tabled proposals for a new protocol and amendments to the Kyoto Protocol. With hindsight, some may say this was naive of us. Nevertheless we were hopeful that over 110 Heads of States, that had promised to...

Stabroek News | vor 14 Jahre 3 months

A lack of money hinders the National Toshaos’ Council (NTC) from holding further consultations in Amerindian communities about government’s forest preservation strategies, the organisation’s head, Yvonne Pearson says.

The Telegraph | vor 14 Jahre 3 months

The carbon credits scheme would make WWF and its partners much richer, but with no lowering of overall CO2 emissions, writes Christopher Booker .

The Jakarta Post | vor 14 Jahre 3 months

The Jakarta Post (Feb. 16) reported that the Forestry Ministry is planning to include oil palm estates to the forestry sector. Even though Forestry Minister Zulkifli Hasan denied the plan, an internal source at the ministry said that the decree is in progress (the Post, Feb. 23). This proposal...

Stabroek News | vor 14 Jahre 3 months

Oslo will not use Guyana’s forest gains in its targets – ambassador US$30 million in forest protection money from Norway is still months away and Oslo will not treat any avoided deforestation or degradation of Guyana’s forest as contributions to its greenhouse gas emissions

kaieteur News Online | vor 14 Jahre 3 months

The furore surrounding the statement issued by a conference of Amerindian leaders on land rights is, in the opinion of the Guyana Human Rights Association, misplaced and unhelpful. The sensitivity manifest by the supporters of  the LCDS and REDD+, is uncalled for, the GHRA said in a statement...

vor 14 Jahre 4 months

Pablo Solón, Ambassador to the UN for the Plurinational State of Bolivia:

Business Standard | vor 14 Jahre 4 months

The threat of climate change is now overwhelming the dialogue on forest policy. Forests, like other ecosystems, will be affected by temperature increase. But the dimension that is receiving much more attention is their role as a store for carbon. Forests hold more carbon than the atmosphere, and...

The New York Times | vor 14 Jahre 4 months

NEW YORK -- Global carbon dioxide emissions offsetting markets are fast losing their luster in the minds of investors, both in the United States and abroad.

Guyana Chronicle | vor 14 Jahre 4 months

I wish to refer to Stabroek News front page article under the caption ‘Indigenous leaders call for the hold on LCDS, REDD + projects’ and Kaieteur News article under the caption ‘Amerindian community slam LCDS consultation – current mining practices do not respect rights’ in their issues of...

Stabroeck News | vor 14 Jahre 4 months

Indigenous leaders are calling on government and international agencies to shelve policies related to projects like the LCDS, REDD+ until free, prior and informed consent guidelines for land use are in place.

Guyna Chronicle | vor 14 Jahre 4 months

THE National Amerindian Development Foundation, the Amerindian Action Movement of Guyana and the Guyanese Organisation of Indigenous Peoples are baffled by the misleading statements carried in the Stabroek News under caption ‘Indigenous Leaders call for hold on LCDS, REDD+ projects’ published...

Stabroeck News | vor 14 Jahre 4 months

The Office of Climate Change (OCC) last night described the objections by some indigenous leaders to the LCDS and REDD+ policies as “malicious misrepresentations and distortions” and a deliberate attempt to mislead the public on the two policies.

Stabroeck News | vor 14 Jahre 4 months

Some Indigenous leaders, who recently voiced concerns about the scope of government consultations over forest preservation plans, have since been victims of intimidation tactics, the Amerindian Peoples Association (APA) disclosed yesterday, while maintaining that genuine concerns of communities...

Stabroeck News | vor 14 Jahre 4 months

Indigenous leaders say that they support “in principle” proposals that aim to protect standing forests but said that they must not be pressured into make decisions without full understanding of the implications of such policies. “Recognizing that the indigenous peoples of Guyana are the...


Illegal logging...

September 2012 - a note by the Editor of ForestIndustries.EU: We wrote this article more than three years ago. Many significant events happened since then and a huge amount of new knowledge has been collected by the global community.

by Dr. Radut