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CSR Asia | vor 13 Jahre 1 month

A few weeks ago, WWF was attacked by the international NGO Global Witness in a widely publicised report Pandering to the loggers. It is a case which raises some important dilemmas about the choice that NGOs (and others) have to make between carrot and stick.

RECOFT | vor 13 Jahre 2 months

The Forest Governance Learning Group brought together 12 experts from India, Indonesia, Nepal, Philippines, Vietnam, and the UN-REDD Programme to discuss how community forestry strengths and shortcomings can influence the further development of REDD+. This booklet summarizes their responses to nine...

Post Zambia | vor 13 Jahre 2 months

THE United Nations says it will closely monitor all the funds it will give Zambia for climate change projects. And the UN has given Zambia US$4.5 million for the implementation of the UN-REDD plus project. In an interview, United Nations Development Plan (UNDP) environment finance advisor for...

ForestCarbon Asia | vor 13 Jahre 2 months

The anticipated benefits and co-benefits of REDD+ generated considerable enthusiasm and momentum prior to the Copenhagen Climate Change Conference, and the lack of agreement of a global mechanism for REDD+ at that Conference generated corresponding disappointment. However, experience from earlier...


by Dr. Radut