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IUCN | 11 years 2 months ago

IUCN’s “Towards Pro-Poor REDD+” project in Uganda has produced a study on REDD+ benefit sharing that provides concrete recommendations to guide Uganda, as well as other developing countries, when designing and implementing REDD+ strategies. 

EnvrioScope | 11 years 5 months ago

April, 2013. Scheyvens, Henry; Sagara, Miho and Ibarra Gené, Enrique. Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES), Japan. 133 pages. ISBN: 978‐4‐88788‐133‐4

FERN, World Growth | 11 years 8 months ago

Ten years since the EU Forest Law Enforcement Governance and Trade Action Plan was launched, and one month before the introduction of the EU Timber Regulation which makes it a criminal offence to put illegally sourced timber on the EU market, new research by FERN has shown strong forest governance...

Ghana Business | 11 years 10 months ago

The Cabinet of the Ghana government has approved a revised forest and wildlife policy to enable the country to consolidate and maximise benefits derived from products and services of the forest and wildlife sector. The revised 2011 Forest and Wildlife Policy highlights a radical paradigm shift in...


by Dr. Radut