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Carbon Positive | vor 14 Jahre 3 months

In order for REDD+ to be successful in halting deforestation in developing countries, carbon finance incentives will need to be delivered through smaller scale channels as well as big national bureacracies, The Nature Conservancy argues. To this end, the Nature Conservancy has issued a report, ‘...

CIFOR | vor 14 Jahre 3 months

The idea behind REDD+ is simple: Reward the people who manage forest resources in developing countries so they reduce emissions and increase removals of greenhouse gases from the atmosphere. But ensuring that the rights of forest peoples are formally integrated in climate change programmes...

CRED, University of Namur – Belgium | vor 14 Jahre 3 months

Social and economic development has historically been associated with spatial expansion of connection networks. A quick look at any detailed topographic map reveals that more developed countries have denser road and railroad network than less developed ones and that even within a country we are...

IUCN | vor 14 Jahre 4 months

IUCN, June 2010 | IUCN urges Parties to reach an agreement on a REDD-plus mechanism that recognizes that avoiding greenhouse gas emissions from deforestation and forest degradation is a necessary component of achieving deep cuts in all sources of anthropogenic emissions in order to mitigate...


by Dr. Radut