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January 2009

State forest services


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Zusammenfassung zum Thema:

Zertifizierung Waldbewirtschaftung – Forstwirtschaft – nationale und internationale Systeme

Forest Certification

"Eco- labeling programs have become very prominent in many countries.
Today this environmental policy innovation can be found not only in OECD countries but also in developing countries. Although eco- labels should be seen as a complement to, rather than a substitute for, traditional regulatory instruments (Harrison 1999: 110), it can be assumed that these environmental policy instruments will become more important for environmental policy in the near future."

Kern et.al

Globale Holzmärkte

Dieser Artikel wurde 2006 in der Österreichischen Forstzeitung veröffentlicht

Global forest products markets

Exciting and challenging - Global Timber markets - have a view on how we will see the situation



You can find a presentation held mid 2008 here:
(Text as Download, 1,2 MB)

There is another (external) report on international forest product markets available as well...




Der Forstsektor und dessen Umfeld stehen in einem grossen Umbruch

  • Sinkende Rentabilitäten, steigende Kosten und fallende Preise 


The Forest Sector Business environment is in a major change


by Dr. Radut