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April 2010

Issue date: 
April, 2010

Some Thoughts on the Future of Pulp

PaperMoney asked me to write a bimonthly column on the industry in “my” area, which is Canada. As the deadline rolls around I find myself in Uruguay, working on a permit application for a new 4000 tons/day mill, and realize that the situation here has much to do with North America.

Some of the current, and impending, closures of pulp mills in Canada and the United States are of course due to the expansion of low-cost, high quality pulp producers in South America.

Issue date: 
19 April 2010

Wildland Fire Management

19 April 2010, Rome - Fighting wildfires requires the participation of local communities, since most fires stem from human activities, says a new version of FAO's "Wildland Fire Management Handbook for Trainers," co-published today by the UN agency and the Finnish Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Issue date: 
April 16 2010

Sweden: Strike at six Swedish mills

April 16 2010 Swedish Paper Workers Union’s notice of total stoppage of work at six Swedish pulp and paper mills was carried out early Friday morning.

Issue date: 

Finnish paper firms fear renewables reform-report

HELSINKI, April 16 (Reuters) - Finnish forestry companies UPM-Kymmene and Stora Enso fear that the government's plan to subsidise use of wood as a source of renewable energy will increase its price and serve another blow to the struggling industry.

Issue date: 
March 2010

New report from Focus on the Global South: Carbon Offsets & Climate Finance in India


Issue date: 

Norway-Indonesia: UN-REDD Speech March 2010


Minister of Forestry and the United Nations launch joint effort to combat deforestation and forest degradation

Issue date: 
April 06, 2010

Chaos and the Accord: Climate Change, Tropical Forests and REDD+ after Copenhagen

The Copenhagen Accord, forged at COP15 upended international efforts to confront climate change. Never before have 115 Heads of State gathered together at one time, let alone for the singular purpose of crafting a new climate change agreement. Even though the new Accord is still in intensive care, two things are already clear. First, we have entered an entirely new world. And second, tropical forests have the greatest potential to breathe life into the new agreement.

A New World

Issue date: 
April 7, 2010

Guyana: US$200,000 World Bank grant approved


US$200,000 grant from the World Bank to support information sharing activities on forest preservation strategies has been available for more than a month but government has not moved to sign the document.

Issue date: 
March 2010

CSO Representative Reviews UN-REDD and World Bank's Forest Carbon Facility


Issue date: 
April 2, 2010

Off the Shelf ‘Green Gone Wrong’: Can Capitalism Save the Planet?

IT may seem quaint to recall this now, but on the eve of the financial crisis, one of the biggest business stories was how large corporations were going to save the planet and make billions of dollars for their shareholders at the same time.


by Dr. Radut