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April 2010

Issue date: 
April 2, 2010

Valuing Water and its Ecological Services in Rural Landscapes: A Case Study from Nepal

Issue date: 
April 2, 2010

How will extended elevated pulp prices affect the North American graphic paper market?


Issue date: 
28 March 2010

Nestle Waters (Vittel): Carbon offsetting programmes in Peru

Nestle Waters France wants to offset emissions from its factories in the west by buying trees in a rainforest thousands of miles away..

Issue date: 
March 2010

Networks emerge as key actors in community forestry

Community networks have emerged as an important force in enhancing forest tenure security and livelihood benefits for forest-dependent communities.

Issue date: 

Nepal's forests: Selling carbon credits

Nepal, like any other developing country, now could sell carbon credits in the global market by way of reducing its contemporary deforestation and degradation rates and by way of forest conservation and enhancement. It sounds too good to be true? No, surely not.

2010 Staffing: Paperitalo 2nd Tuesday Surveys

Survey subject:

Staffing 2010

Drivers of the Pulp and Paper Industry:
Forest products markets / Holzproduktmärkte:
Node Types:
Staffing 2010
Issue date: 
February 2010
Publisher Name: 
Paperitalo's 2nd Tuesday Surveys(TM)
Jim Thompson
Author e-Mail: 
Issue date: 
February 2009

Will the global Forestry Carbon Market go REDD?

While nearly $150 million has been spent to date on carbon offsets from planting trees and preserving forests, the market is in a precipitous position over limitations in the CDM for forestry projects.


by Dr. Radut