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Issue date: 
September 7th, 2011

Peru approves ‘historic’ indigenous rights law

Today, indigenous people across Peru are celebrating President Ollanta Humala’s decision to approve the Prior Consultation Law. This is an important step forward for indigenous rights in the country.

Issue date: 
Sep. 06, 2011

Peru awarded US$11mln grant for forest management

Lima, Sep.

Issue date: 
July 23, 2011

Carbon cowboys

Peru's jungle city of Iquitos - first established on the myth of a land of lost gold and once a mecca for 19th century rubber barons - has long been frequented by profiteers.

Issue date: 
March 11, 2011

Peru and Finland to be partners for sustainable development

Finnish Minister for Foreign Trade and Development, Paavo Väyrynen, said there are important opportunities for expansion of trade and economic cooperation between Finland and Peru.

The developing economy of Peru offers cooperation opportunities for Finnish companies particularly in natural resources, energy and environmental sectors, according to a press release from the Finnish government.

Issue date: 
March 3, 2011

Peru admits timber certificates faked in secret cable

Peru’s government has secretly admitted that 70-90% of its mahogany exports were illegally felled, according to a US embassy cable revealed by Wikileaks.

Issue date: 
Dec 27, 2010

Sacrificing the Rainforest on the Altar of Energy

LIMA, Dec 27, 2010 (IPS/IFEJ) - The construction of five hydroelectric dams in Peru as part of an energy deal with Brazil will do considerable damage to the environment, such as the destruction of nearly 1.5 million hectares of jungle over the next 20 years, according to an independent study.

More than 1,000 km of roads will have to be carved out of primary and secondary forests to build the dams and power plants and put up power lines, says the report, carried out by engineer José Serra for ProNaturaleza, a leading conservation organisation in Peru.

Issue date: 
October 1, 2010

TFF looks to help Peru achieve sustainable forestry management

The Tropical Forest Foundation (TFF) is examining the feasibility of establishing a sustainable forestry management training centre in Peru.

Issue date: 
September 7th, 2010

REDD Revenues: Learning from Peru

Lessons for REDD Revenues: Peru’s experiences from the Camisea project could prove instructive for REDD as the international community ramps up efforts to provide a financial compensation mechanism for developing country actions to reduce emissions from forest loss.

Issue date: 
August 2, 2010

REDD Alert: Lessons from Peru's Camisea Pipeline Project

Can forest-rich countries learn from the mistakes of extractive projects and avoid unleashing their own resource curse?


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by Dr. Radut