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External News

Issue date: 
August 15th, 2012

FPAC urging Canada to deepen economic ties with China

The Forest Products Association of Canada (FPAC) is urging the Canadian Government to follow through on the conclusion of the Canada-China Economic Complementarities Study which states that Canada and China should continue to strengthen their bilater

Issue date: 
August 15th, 2012

Nova Scotia finally defines clearcutting

The province of Nova Scotia has a goal of reducing clearcutting to no more than 50% of the total tree harvest in the province by 2016.

However, that goal proved to be difficult to implement without a technical definition of clearcutting.

Issue date: 
Aug 15, 2012

California city eyes carbon credit revenue from its trees

(Reuters Point Carbon) - California's seventh-largest city may try to bolster its strained budget by maintaining its 393,000-tree urban forest and selling carbon credits to regulated greenhouse gas emitters in the state's forthcoming cap-and-tra

Issue date: 
August 15th, 2012

B.C. Timber Supply committee releases report with recommendations to increase timber supply

The Special Committee on Timber Supply today released its unanimous report making 22 recommendations to increase the supply and value of mid-term timber and to strengthen future forest management in the B.C. Central Interior.

Issue date: 
15 August 2012

Response to George Monbiot: The valuation of nature and ecosystem services is not privatization

The idea of placing a value on the environment to encourage its protection has become increasingly popular, but critics say it amounts to little more than the privatisation. We asked three experts in the field to answer this charge – here’s their response.

Issue date: 
August 16, 2012

Mozambique resists external pressures and drafts own REDD+ strategy

Mozambique has taken a “remarkable” approach to reducing deforestation, engaging local communities and other stakeholders that will be most directly affected and drafting its own forest conservation strategy rather than relying on external consultants.

Issue date: 
July 23, 2012

Wood-Fired Plants Generate Violations

BLUE LAKE, Calif.—Malodorous brown smoke from a power plant enveloped this logging town on April 29, 2010, and several hundred residents fled until it passed.

Issue date: 
July 27th, 2012

Scottish forestry potential looking good

A new report from the Forestry Commission states that Scotland potentially has significantly more softwood resource than was thought.

Issue date: 
July 13th, 2012

China engineers digital vs. print showdown

If China succeeds in achieving one of its goals in the current five-year plan, 80% of its more than 1.3 billion residents will read books or periodicals by 2015.

Issue date: 
July 13th, 2012

Weaker pulp markets see chip and pulp log prices fall

The global pulp market is mired in uncertainty: uncertainty when China will move into buying mode, uncertainty about where the European economy is heading and uncertainty if low spot prices for soft


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by Dr. Radut