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External News

Issue date: 
July 20th, 2012

Ecuador’s plan falters

Issue date: 
Jul 13th 2012

Pricing nature's freebies

Issue date: 
Jul 13, 2012

Soon, you can earn credits for planting trees

Issue date: 
July 17th, 2012

Resolute Forest Products logging under heavy police presence at Barriere Lake

Montreal riot police have been sent 5 hours north of Montreal to the area where the Algonquin First Nation of Barriere Lake are protesting Resolute Forest Products‘ logging activity.

Issue date: 
July 17th, 2012

Quebec releases new 2012-2017 Forest Sector Transformation Strategy

Quebec‘s new 2012-2017 Forest Sector Transformation Strategy was unveiled Monday by the Ministère des Ressources naturelles et de la Faune (MRNF).

Issue date: 

NASA Deforestation Photos: 7 Examples Of Our Disappearing Forests

The effects of deforestation on the Earth are massive. Land is routinely cleared and degraded for agriculture and the production of wood and paper products.

Issue date: 

Do Property Rights Promote Investment But Cause Deforestation?

Many policymakers argue that property rights decrease deforestation. Some theoretical papers also make this prediction, arguing that property rights decrease discount rates applied to a long-term investment in forestry. However, the effect is theoretically ambiguous.

Issue date: 
July 9th, 2012

Climate change will mean new and larger tropical forests

We're told, endlessly, that climate change will mean the end of the Amazon, of the tropical forests, and the Earth will lose its lungs. It appears that this is not wholly and completely true.

Issue date: 
July 18th, 2012

British Columbia Lumber Trade Council pleased with softwood lumber decision

The British Columbia Lumber Trade Council (BCLTC) responded today to the decision by the London Court of International Arbitration that Canada and British Columbia were not in breach of the Softwood Lumber Agreement (SLA) in the pricing of British Co

Issue date: 
July 19th, 2012

Atikokan Generating Station converting to biomass from coal

Conversion of the Atikokan Generating Station in Atikokan, Ontario to biomass rather than coal burning is to begin later this year.

The conversion will create 200 construction jobs and should be complete in 2014.


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by Dr. Radut