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External News

Issue date: 
July 9, 2012

EUTR Issues High on Agenda at UK Stakeholder Day

With the introduction of the EU Timber Regulation (EUTR) only months away, PEFC UK hosted a Stakeholder Meeting in London on the 26 June, with the central theme of mitigating risk in procuring forest products.

Issue date: 
July 8, 2012

Wood Fiber Costs for the European Pulp Industry have fallen from the Record Highs of 2011

Wood costs for many European pulp mills have fallen the past six months as the pulp market has weakened.

Issue date: 
July 12th, 2012

More about the Ontario Wood program

Last year, Ontario unveiled a new “Ontario Wood” program to promote Ontario grown wood to consumers.

Issue date: 
Februray 12, 2012

Making benefit sharing arrangements work for forest dependent communities: Overview of Insights for REDD+ Initiatives

Benefit sharing is central to achieving the objectives of

Issue date: 
Februray 12, 2012

Identifying and Working with Beneficiaries When Rights Are Unclear: Insights for REDD+ Initiatives

The sustainability of REDD+ initiatives will depend heav

Issue date: 
June 6, 2012

Asia Pulp & Paper Pledges ‘Sustainable Forest Management’

Asia Pulp & Paper has pledged that by 2020 all of its suppliers will be certified under the voluntary Indonesian sustainable forest management scheme.

Issue date: 
June 7th 2012

UK consortium to help fight global deforestation through REDD+

UK satellite imaging company DMCii has successfully led a multi-disciplinary consortium to win a place on the Department for International Development (DfID) Forest Governance Markets and Climate (FGMC) Framework Agreement.

Issue date: 
Jun 7 2012

Global Environment raises Rs. 700 cr fund

Mumbai: Sustainable forestry-focused private equity (PE) firm, Global Environment Fund (GEF), has raised a Rs. 700 crore, small and medium enterprises (SME)-focused South Asia fund dedicated to India—the first niche fund of its kind in the coun

Issue date: 
June 21, 2012

New data and methods paint clearer picture of emissions from tropical deforestation

The Winrock team, which included scientists from Applied GeoSolutions, NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory and University of Maryland, combined the best available spatially consistent datasets on gross forest loss and forest

Issue date: 
29 Jun 2012

Gabon is ripe for the felling

Multinational companies are queuing up to do business in Gabon, despite questions being raised about the validity of President Ali Bongo Ondimba’s rule.


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by Dr. Radut