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Forest carbon

Issue date: 
May 13, 2010

European CO2 traders cautiously welcome U.S. bill

(Reuters) - A U.S. Senate climate bill, unveiled on Wednesday, has garnered general support from European carbon market players, though some have raised concerns over a few components of the proposed legislation.

Issue date: 
May 17, 2010

Carbon Credits for Preserving Forests: How Does It Work?

What is REDD?

Issue date: 
May 17, 2010

From Copenhagen To Cancun: Forests and REDD

Background on REDD

Issue date: 
May 11, 2010

The Carbon Hunters

The Carbon Hunters was reported by Mark Schapiro, produced by Andres Cediel & co-produced by Daniela Broitman.

In a remote corner of Brazil's Atlantic coast, they say time is a fiction. This ancient forest is seemingly unspoiled by modern life -- beyond the reach of men, machines, and markets.

But a closer look reveals something very different happening here.

Issue date: 
May - 19 - 2010

Does Carbon Trading Damage Forests?

The World Bank is so concerned about the lack of forests remaining in the small country of Armenia that they have warned that it could one day become a desert.

REDD+: Guyana

In April, Guyana submitted a revised Readiness Preparation Proposal (R-PP), which provides an overview of the country's planned strategy for developing REDD Readiness.

Issue date: 
30 April 2010

AAU carbon trade drying up

The international market for AAU carbon allowances is drying up, according to a leading carbon analyst. The trade in government-level Kyoto carbon credits is winding down after numerous sales from eastern European nations holding surpluses to Japan, Norway and EU nations to help them meet their Kyoto targets.

Issue date: 
13 May 2010

Top 10 implications of the American Power Act for REDD

The American Power Act (APA), a draft bill proposing a cap and trade system for reducing greenhouse gas emissions, was introduced yesterday in the US Senate by its two mai

Issue date: 
May 14, 2010

Germany's millions to help curb carbon through 2015

This week Central America and the Dominican Republic launched a new plan backed by Germany to combat climate change in the region.

Issue date: 
4 May 2010

REDD improves forest provision of ecosystem services

Actions to reduce emissions  caused by  deforestation and degradation (REDD) also enhance ecosystem services, according to a new report. Using a case study from the Amazon it indicated that REDD support schemes can also help maintain water levels and quality and protect soil from erosion.


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by Dr. Radut