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Forest carbon

Issue date: 
June 8, 2010

What a difference: Land use change from Farmland to Forests

A dairy farmer planning on growing manuka scrub says Federated Farmers lobbyists are mounting a vocal campaign against the farmer accountability for greenhouse gases, but failing to back landowners who want to "farm" carbon credits.

Issue date: 

The Norway - Indonesian REDD deal - an insight

The governments of Indonesia and Norway signed recently a US$1 billion partnership to cut Indonesian emissions from deforestation and forest degradation to resist climate change.

Issue date: 
May 27, 2010

George Soros bolsters global forest aid effort

OSLO,  (Reuters) – Billionaire investor George Soros  said yesterday he would guarantee $50 million to help slow  deforestation and contain climate change, bolstering Norwegian  plans for a partnership of rich and poor states to save forests.

Issue date: 
June 6, 2010

Carbon sink plans sunk by stalling of emission plan

TREE-planting schemes and other carbon-offset projects could be abandoned by organisations at the end of the month, another casualty of the federal government's delayed emissions trading scheme.

Issue date: 

Government identifies pilot projects for RI, Norway deal

The government says it has identified four forests to host potential pilot projects as part of a billion-dollar agreement signed by Indonesia and Norway to protect the country's natural forests and peatlands.

Issue date: 
June 4, 2010

Land grabs meet climate policy

Very interested to see the news today that City of London police have “arrested the director of a Merseyside-based business in connection with an alleged plan to pay Liberian officials $2.5m (£1.7m) in connection

Issue date: 
25 May 2010

World Bank Approves First Climate Change Development Policy Loan


25 May 2010: The World Bank approved its first development policy loan dedicated to climate change mitigation and adaptation, in Indonesia.

Issue date: 
June 4, 2010

Liberia's EPA: Global Challenges and Benefits

The Environmental Protection Agency of Liberia (EPA) is mandated to protect the human health and well-being of the Liberian people and others living within the nation's jurisdiction. 

Issue date: 
June 2, 2010

UNFCCC in Bonn: Emissions Reductions or Market Mechanisms?

Bonn, Germany - As the UNFCCC climate talks got under way in Bonn, the two working groups began meetings: the ad hoc working group on long-term co-operative action (AWG-LCA) began with responses to the draft text and ad hoc working group on the Kyoto Protocol (AWG-KP) began to discuss emission

Issue date: 
May 2010

Should REDD payments chase old grievances or prevent likely future harm?

New study says REDD payment mechanisms could halve forest destruction in the Brazilian Amazon, but significant amounts of cash to conserve forests could go to wealthiest landholders.


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by Dr. Radut