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Forest carbon

Issue date: 
June 3, 2010

Domestic Offsets in the American Power Act: Preserving the Integrity?

NRDC staff have posted assessments of a number of key elements of the Kerry-Lieberman American Power Act discussion draft.

Issue date: 
May 31, 2010

Shock and Uncertainty Over Forest-Clearing Moratorium

Business leaders and even top government officials have been left surprised by President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono’s announcement last week that the country would impose a two-year moratorium on the clearing of natural forests.

Meanwhile, the government added on Monday that even some existing licenses held by palm oil and timber firms would be revoked as part of the moratorium.

Issue date: 
27 May 2010

India outlines forest restoration plan

India plans 20 million hectares of afforestation and ecosystem restoration over the next ten years under a draft climate plan released by the government this week.

Issue date: 
June 2010

Benefits of Tropical Forest Management under the New Climate Change Agreement

For citation: Sasaki, N. & Yoshimoto, A. (2010) Benefits of Tropical Forest Management under the New Climate Change Agreement—A Case Study in Cambodia.

Issue date: 
28 May 2010

India seeks global fund to help Third World expand forest cover

NEW DELHI: India seized the opportunity accorded by the Oslo Conference on Climate and Forests to make a case for a global fund to aid developing countries increase their forest cover. New Delhi maintains that it is not enough to provide compensation and incentives for avoiding deforestation and degradation of forests.

Issue date: 
May 28, 2010

REDD new hope for Resilience and Building of the Climate Change in Tanzania

It is no longer debated that the world climate is still changing fast and is the most pressing issues of this generation, which cause different impacts on human beings as well as its surroundings.

Issue date: 
May 27, 2010

Will REDD Preserve Forests Or Turn into Nightmare?

May 27, 2010 - It could be the cheapest way to save the planet from climate change. Western governments and corporations want to shut down a major source of carbon dioxide emissions by paying the people who destroy forests to desist. But the dream could turn into a nightmare, in which Western polluters use their carbon credits to evade cutting emissions at home, while the promised benefit to the atmosphere is lost in a mire of conflict and corruption.

Issue date: 
May 26, 2010

Global Carbon Market Grows to $144 billion Despite Financial and Economic Turmoil

Cologne, May 26, 2010—The latest annual report from the World Bank on the global carbon market showed that in 2009 it grew to $144 billion, up 6% from 2008 despite enduring its most challenging year to date.  The global economic crisis negatively impacted both demand and supply sides and, as indu

Issue date: 
24 May 2010

The American Power Act: Trees Fare Well in Latest US Climate Bill

It’s been a good run for trees in climate-change talks, and that run continues with the latest climate bill introduced two weeks ago in the US Senate (read the full discussion draft here).  For proof, just ch


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by Dr. Radut