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Issue date: 
Apr 7, 2011

McKinsey Work Lets Congo, Guyana Get Aid, Cut Trees, Greenpeace Says

Issue date: 
13 April 2011

World Bank REDD+ costs manual

The World Bank Institute and Forest Carbon Partnership Facility have released a free 262-page manual for assessing the true costs of REDD+ action aimed at saving and restoring forests. “Estimating the Opportunity Costs of REDD+” is a guide for those formulating national avoided deforestation policies and programmes under the emerging global REDD+ framework being developed by the UN, World Bank and others.

Issue date: 
08 April 2011

Adaptation options to reduce climate change vulnerability of sustainable forest management in the Austrian Alps

Issue date: 
April 08, 2011

What to Do When Forest Ethics Comes Knocking?

Issue date: 
13 April 2011

CBD Releases Report on REDD+ and Biodiversity Safeguards Workshop in Asia-Pacific

Issue date: 
Apr 15, 2011

Oslo REDD Exchange

Issue date: 
April 13, 2011

UPM to sell its logging company in Russia to International Paper

Issue date: 
April 13, 2011

Foresters alarmed by neglect and deterioration of timber

Bravo to Professors Simard and Lewis for speaking out on declining stewardship of B.C.'s public forests, a trend many foresters have observed with growing alarm over the past decade.

Re: New policies needed to save our forests, Opinion, April 8

Issue date: 
April 8, 2011

REDD+ climate challenge: Confusion over who owns forested lands

Issue date: 
5 April 2011

GEF Project in Komi Republic Saves Emissions by Reducing Fires and Illegal Logging

5 April 2011: A Global Environment Facility Project is reported to be helping the Government of Komi (Russian Federation) to improve the sustainability of the national protected area system and measure carbon stocks and reduced emissions from deforestation.


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by Dr. Radut