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Issue date: 
01 November 2010

Nature smashes all barriers

During the abnormally hot summer of 2010 fires and hurricanes damaged more than 935 thousand hectares of the Russian forest area. This emergency situation pushed the reform of timber industry complex (TIC) management system.

Issue date: 
November 1st, 201

Learn about the Canadian Wood Fibre Centre

Have you heard of the Canadian Wood Fibre Centre?

The mission of the Canadian Wood Fibre Centre is to create innovative knowledge to expand the economic opportunities for the forest sector to benefit from Canadian wood fibre.


Issue date: 
October 27, 2010

Seems some dispute on forestry is ongoing in DownUnder and SE-Asia...

Conservation Debate I: A Question of Credibility

William Laurance et al | October 27, 2010

Issue date: 
02 November 2010

Finland to offer Angara its experience in forest exploration

Irkutsk region delegation returned from Helsinki (Finland) with a number of business offers made by foreign partners.

Issue date: 
November 02, 2010

Tropical agriculture "double-whammy": high emissions, low yields

Food produced in the tropics comes with high carbon emissions and low crop yields, according to a new study in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS).

Issue date: 
3 November 2010

UGANDA: One million trees for Mt Elgon region

MBALE, 3 November 2010 (IRIN) - A three-year project to increase forest cover and help local communities in eastern Uganda adapt to climate change has been launched.

"The planting of one million trees has started to sustain an area of tropical forest in Africa the size of Wales," said John Griffiths, counsel-general of the Welsh Assembly, which is supporting the project. "These trees will not only absorb carbon but provide shade for crops."

Issue date: 
November 5th, 2010

Sino-Forest acquires 13,000 ha of NZ forests

Sino-Forest Corporation, a leading, commercial forest plantation operator in China, has announced the acquisition of a 13,000 ha New Zealand forestry plantation.  Mr.

CBD wants to shut down half of forestry and agriculture areas

"The negotiations went right down to the wire, but after three weeks of haggling they got a deal on Friday night. The most important target set by the Strategic Plan 2011-2020 will increase the area of protected land in the world – no farming or grazing, no forestry – from 12.5% to 17%." read more here

Let's see how this will be handled. Hopefully the idea is not to transform those 60 Million people who live in and from forests to caretakers of parkways (and to paupers)...

Issue date: 
03 November, 2010

Dutch energy firm buys stake in forestry project developer

Dutch sustainable energy supplier Greenchoice has acquired a 50% share in forest carbon developer Face the Future, for an undisclosed sum.

Issue date: 

REDD: Das Rennen um den Tropenwald startet

Minister aus 193 Ländern wollen beim COP 16, dem Weltklimagipfel in Cancún, eine wirksame Vereinbarung für die Zeit nach Ende des Kyoto-Vertrages 2012 finden. Ein Durchbruch ist nicht zu erwarten. Einzig bei REDD – dem Programm zum Schutz der Tropenwälder in ihrer Funktion als Kohlenstoffspeicher –, könnte es Fortschritte geben. Rettet REDD das Weltklima?


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by Dr. Radut