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26.04.10 Does Money Grow on Trees After All?
24.04.10 European Commission says ‘no’ to forest credits in the ETS until after 2020, cites ‘market flooding’ and governance problems
19.04.10 Wildland Fire Management
15.04.10 CSO Representative Reviews UN-REDD and World Bank's Forest Carbon Facility
15.04.10 New report from Focus on the Global South: Carbon Offsets & Climate Finance in India
12.04.10 REDD After Copenhagen: The way forward
12.04.10 CRS — Deforestation and Climate Change
03.04.10 Networks emerge as key actors in community forestry
03.04.10 Valuing Water and its Ecological Services in Rural Landscapes: A Case Study from Nepal
01.04.10 Will the global Forestry Carbon Market go REDD?
29.03.10 Forestry Statistics Pocketbook - 2009 edition
29.03.10 The UN-REDD Programme releases its inaugural Year in Review report for 2009
23.03.10 Ghana, Tanzania and Uganda: The REDD Opportunities Scoping Exercise (ROSE)
15.03.10 InterCooperation: Forests, landscapes and governance
15.03.10 CIFOR: REDD+ Governance
15.03.10 CIFOR: REDD+ Capacity Building
15.03.10 WRI: Governance of Forests Initiative Indicator Framework
15.03.10 FAO + ITTO: Forest governance and climate-change mitigation
15.03.10 Introductory course on reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD): a training manual
01.03.10 The Forest Leakage Problem
28.02.10 EU rules out binding green criteria for biomass
16.02.10 Jatropha biofuels: UK investors sell controversial crop as 'green'
16.02.10 Facilitating forests of learning: Enabling an adaptive collaborative approach in community forestry user groups
11.02.10 UNFCCC Publishes Copenhagen Meeting Reports
10.02.10 The UN/ECE-Timber Forest Products Market Report 2009
10.02.10 Private Forest Ownership in Europe
07.02.10 Palm oil plantations are now 'forests,' says EU
03.02.10 Can REDD make natural forests competitive with oil palm plantations?
03.02.10 The financial costs of Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation (REDD)
01.02.10 International Forestry Issues in Climate Change Bills: Comparison of Provisions of S.1733 and H.R. 2454
31.01.10 Energieholzpreise: Achtung bei "günstigen Angeboten"!
29.01.10 Reforestation vital for Africa & climate: Developer
25.01.10 Study projects increased conflict and speculation in tropical forests despite Copenhagen Accord
25.01.10 Mid-term evaluation of the implementation of the EU Forest Action Plan
22.01.10 Forest managment planning in the Congo Basin Rainforests
22.01.10 Forestry report urges province to manage carbon storage
19.01.10 Forest carbon market: 20mT in 20 years
19.01.10 Social and environmental standards for REDD and other forest carbon programs
17.01.10 REDD for Dummies
14.01.10 The People vs. Cap‐and‐Tax
11.01.10 Forests & REDD: US climate bills compared
07.01.10 Climate change has no time for delay or denial
07.01.10 First-Ever Study Quantifies the Economic Impact of Private, Working Forests in the U.S.
22.12.09 The Copenhagen REDD results
16.12.09 Forests and indigenous peoples 'left vulnerable in final text'
04.12.09 Failed audits, destruction of intact forests: Report reveals AbibitiBowater's miserable logging record in Ontario
26.11.09 Public perceptions of forestry in the European Union
17.11.09 An energy miracle is needed
17.11.09 Invest in nature now, save trillions later
13.09.09 The Ability of World Forests to Capture and Store Carbon


by Dr. Radut