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28.01.12 CP17/CMP7 Durban Debrief
23.01.12 New brochure focuses on EU Timber Regulation (EUTR)
19.01.12 Proposals from the Private Sector for Engagement at Scale in REDD+
19.01.12 Engaging the Private Sector in the Potential Generation of REDD+ Carbon Credits : An Analysis of Issues
19.01.12 Study on REDD-plus Related Activities by Japan
19.01.12 Suriname unjustly sullied by alleged forestry swindle – official
18.01.12 Talking REDD+: beyond forestry – joining up and moving forward
18.01.12 Project Developer’s Guidebook to VCS REDD Methodologies
17.01.12 REDD+ and Agricultural Supply Chains
06.01.12 Evaluating the Capacity of Forest Governance System for Effective and Efficient REDD-plus Policies in the State of Pahang, Peninsular Malaysia
06.01.12 Green India Mission: India’s REDD+ Action Plan
28.12.11 Alternatives to carbon markets to finance REDD
28.12.11 Climate Change in the Hindu Kush-Himalayas: The State of Current Knowledge
28.12.11 Study: Forest thinning increases carbon releases
28.12.11 Feasability of REDD in Bhutan: A Scoping Study
28.12.11 Carbon Impacts from Selective Logging of Forests in Berau District, East Kalimantan, Indonesia
28.12.11 Drivers of Deforestation and REDD+: Can REDD+ Compete?
28.12.11 From REDD to Green: A Global Incentive System to Stop Tropical Forest Clearing
28.12.11 Giving REDD+ Heart: Integrating REDD+ with Broader Development Goals
20.12.11 Sustainable Forest Management and Carbon Stocks
20.12.11 Forensic investigation of Tolko nets fine for falsified records
17.12.11 Events Update: Summary of Forest day 5
17.12.11 Forested countries need reassurance that “massive investment” in REDD+ will pay off
13.12.11 Community forest monitoring and REDD+
13.12.11 Code of Conduct for working with Indigenous and Local Communities
13.12.11 REDD-plus finance
13.12.11 Is REDD-readiness taking us in the right direction?
09.12.11 ECN/EEA report on National Renewable Energy Action Plans
09.12.11 REDD+ finance delivery: lessons from early experience
09.12.11 Blending Climate Finance through National Climate Funds
09.12.11 Building bridges between REDD+ and sustainable agriculture
08.12.11 Splitting the Difference; a Proposal for Benefit Sharing in REDD+
05.12.11 Drivers and consequences of tropical forest transitions: options to bypass land degradation?
05.12.11 Biofuels - from CDM to NAMAs
28.11.11 SCA study shows: Children want to spend more time in the forests
27.11.11 Bilateral Offset Credit Mechanism and Capacity building for MRV in Asia, Latin America and Africa
27.11.11 REDD+ and adaptation to climate change in East Africa
27.11.11 REDD+ and adaptation: will REDD+ contribute to adaptive capacity at the local level?
27.11.11 Comments on Viet Nam's timber legality definition VPA/FLEGT
27.11.11 Trees Before Poverty at Durban
26.11.11 Bamboo methodology opens for public comments
26.11.11 Forest cover: Setting Targets for the Future
26.11.11 Organisations call to donors to halt funding REDD+ projects
18.11.11 REDD+: Ready to engage private investors?
17.11.11 Social Dimensions of REDD+: Current Practices and Challenges
17.11.11 Guidelines for REDD+ Reference Levels: Principles and Recommendations
16.11.11 Wie Biosprit-Erzeugung Hungerkrisen anfacht
14.11.11 Market and non-market costs of REDD+ perceived by local communities
14.11.11 Pilot Forest Carbon Trust Fund: Rewarding local communities for forest conservation


by Dr. Radut