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14.07.11 REDD+ Benefit Sharing: A Comparative Assessment of Three National Policy Approaches
14.07.11 A Review of Three REDD+ Safeguard Initiatives
14.07.11 Understanding and Integrating Local Perceptions of Trees and Forests into Incentives for Sustainable Landscape Management
14.07.11 Assessing the Financial Flows for REDD+: the Pledge-Implementation Gap
14.07.11 EU: A Review of the Latest Developments in Research, Implementation and Debate
14.07.11 Forest community schools: A child-centered strategy for mitigating leakage in REDD+ Earth
14.07.11 Carbon righteousness: how to lever pro-poor benefits from REDD+
04.07.11 "Unless we address agriculture, REDD will not be successful!" Report back from Bonn
04.07.11 NASF responds to national report on sustainable forests
27.06.11 REDD+ AND TENURE: A Review of the Latest Developments in Research, Implementation and Debate
27.06.11 REDD in South East Asia: a Political Economy Perspective
26.06.11 Understanding forest-dependency for REDD+
26.06.11 REDD+ and carbon markets: 10 Myths Exploded
09.06.11 The international regulation of sustainable forest management
08.06.11 UK: Hidden value of nature revealed in groundbreaking study
08.06.11 90% of tropical forests managed poorly or not at all
07.06.11 Energieholzpreise Österreich
07.06.11 Bioenergy Prices Austria
05.06.11 State of the Voluntary Carbon Markets 2011
05.06.11 CIFOR Releases Annual Report on FORESTs
31.05.11 The State of Forests in the Amazon Basin, Congo Basin and Southeast Asia
31.05.11 Sri Lanka’s REDD+ Potential: Myth or Reality?
30.05.11 Tanzania: National Forest Policy
30.05.11 FAO and World Bank publish a Framework for Assessing Forest Governance
24.05.11 Tackling corruption for governing REDD in the Philippines
24.05.11 Funding for Forests: UK government support for REDD+
24.05.11 Local Forest Management and Climate Change Mitigation in Burkina Faso
20.05.11 CIFOR Releases Publications on REDD+
15.05.11 United Nations rallies private sector for forestry protection investment
15.05.11 Forests May Spur Financial Rewards, Curb Climate Change, UN Says
15.05.11 Tenure in REDD: Start-point or afterthought?
15.05.11 Chainsaw Milling: Domestic Unregulated Deforestation Agents or Local Entrepreneurs?
10.05.11 New EFI Research Report looks at Private Forest Owners in the Western Balkans
10.05.11 European Commission announces new strategy to halt biodiversity loss within ten years
04.05.11 Options for REDD+ Voluntary Certification
04.05.11 Global Corruption and Climate Change
25.04.11 Report on the Verification of Progress Related to Enabling Activities for the Guyana‐Norway REDD+ Agreement
25.04.11 It's Time to Outlaw Land Grabbing, Not to Make It "Responsible"!
25.04.11 Climate-watchers alarmed over forest degradation proposals
25.04.11 How is REDD+ unfolding in southern Africa’s dry forests?
18.04.11 Adaptation options to reduce climate change vulnerability of sustainable forest management in the Austrian Alps
18.04.11 World Bank REDD+ costs manual
01.04.11 International Policy Award for Visionary Forest Policies:
01.04.11 Creating a REDD+ mechanism under UNFCCC
28.03.11 Global Witness’s role on the UN-REDD Policy Board
26.03.11 International: Biodiversity And Livelihoods - REDD-plus Benefits
22.03.11 How successful is Sustainable Forest Management in the UNECE Region?
22.03.11 Formulation of a National Code of Practice (CoP) for Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) in Suriname
20.03.11 First commerical US biofuels plant planned this year
20.03.11 A Critical Assessment Of The Forest Carbon Partnership Facility


by Dr. Radut