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REDD+ Capacity building

Rainforest Foundation UK | vor 14 Jahre 1 month

The Accra Caucus on Forests and Climate Change is a network of southern and northern NGOs representing around 100 civil society and Indigenous Peoples' organizations from 38 countries, formed at the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) meeting in Accra, Ghana in 2008.

Forest Carbon Portal | vor 14 Jahre 2 months

Community Forestry International (CFI), in partnership with Terra Global Capital (TGC), recently published a case study describing experiences emerging from the design and carbon development of one of the world’s first community-based REDD+ projects in Oddar Meanchey Province, Cambodia.  

Daily News Tanzania | vor 14 Jahre 2 months

A MAJOR global conference to form the first real genuine partnership to fight climate change through Reduction of Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation (REDD) in developing countries will be held in Oslo, Norway later this month. The conference which is expected to be attended by...

yeangdonal Blogspot | vor 14 Jahre 2 months

Official in Oddar Meanchey province on Monday began relocating a group of 200 families living in a protected forest area near Samraong town, ending a standoff that led to a violent altercation between villagers and Forestry Department workers in March, officials said.


by Dr. Radut