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REDD+ Capacity building

Guyana Chronicle | vor 13 Jahre 2 months

AS Guyana’s Low Carbon Development Strategy moves beyond its start-up phase, the government is leading efforts to advance work on the six priority investments for this year. The six investments will accelerate Guyana’s transition to a low carbon economy by deploying the US$70M earned by Guyana...

Times of India | vor 13 Jahre 2 months

NEW DELHI: In order to lock climate changing carbon dioxide in the growing forests, the government has asked the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change to provide a substantial part of the Rs 90 billion needed every year for 10 years.

Africa Science News | vor 13 Jahre 2 months

A collaborative partnership on forests, bringing together 14 international organizations working to protect and manage the world’s forests has Wednesday called for governments across the globe to increase communities’ role in forest management. Doing so could contribute to lifting close to a...


by Dr. Radut