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Studien zu Papierindustrie

Issue date: 
July 28th, 2010

Wood industry, the state has adopted a new machine which forestry development plan

November 3, 2009 was informed that the State Forestry Administration, the State Development and Reform Commission, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Commerce, State Administration of Taxation have jointly issued the five departments of the “Forestry Industry Development Plan (2010-2012)”, as a gui

Issue date: 
May 11th, 2010

Report On The Analysis Of Development Of Forestry Industry And Wood Processing Industry In China-Aarkstore Enterprise

This report makes an in-depth analysis on the Development of Forestry Industry and Wood Processing Industry in China

Background of the Research

Issue date: 
May 13th, 2010

Bharatbook.com : Comprehensive analysis on Forestry and Wood Processing Industry in China

Report on the Analysis of Development of Forestry Industry and Wood Processing Industry in China

Background of the Research

Issue date: 
July 14th, 2010

Analysis Of Development Of Forestry Industry And Wood Processing Industry In China Proposal

Since 1949, China has completed six national forest resources inventories. According to the result of the sixth forest resources inventory (1999-2003), there is 175 million hectares of forests, 13.618 billion of living trees accumulate, 12.456 billion cubic meters of forests accumulate, and 18.21% of forest coverage which is nearly 10% higher than 8.6% after the founding of new China. The forest area of China ranks the fifth in the world; the forests accumulate ranks the sixth in the world; the area of man-made forests is 53.2573 million hectares and ranks the first in the world.

Issue date: 
Jul 16, 2010

Domtar and FPInnovations join forces to develop innovative fiber-based nanotechnologies

omtar Corporation and FPInnovations today announced that they have formed a new joint venture company to build the world's first one metric ton per day commercial-scale nanocrystalline cellulose demonstration plant at the Domtar Windsor, Quebec pulp and paper mill site. Construction will begin in the coming weeks and will take approximately 20 months to be completed.

Issue date: 
June 2010

Impact of the global forest industry on atmospheric greenhouse gases

The designations employed and the presentation of material in this information product do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) concerning the legal or development status of any country, territory, ci

Issue date: 
Mai. 31, 2010

Forest products industry: Finding a new competetive edge


2010 employee benefits: Paperitalo 2nd Tuesday Surveys

Survey subject:

Employee Benefits 2010

Drivers of the Pulp and Paper Industry:
Forest products markets / Holzproduktmärkte:
Node Types:
Employee Benefits 2010
Issue date: 
April 2010
Publisher Name: 
Paperitalo's 2nd Tuesday Surveys(TM)
Jim Thompson
Author e-Mail: 

2010 foreign competition: Paperitalo 2nd Tuesday Surveys

Survey subject:

Foreign competition 2010

Drivers of the Pulp and Paper Industry:
Forest products markets / Holzproduktmärkte:
Node Types:
Foreign competition 2010
Issue date: 
March 2010
Publisher Name: 
Paperitalo's 2nd Tuesday Surveys(TM)
Jim Thompson
Author e-Mail: 

2010 Staffing: Paperitalo 2nd Tuesday Surveys

Survey subject:

Staffing 2010

Drivers of the Pulp and Paper Industry:
Forest products markets / Holzproduktmärkte:
Node Types:
Staffing 2010
Issue date: 
February 2010
Publisher Name: 
Paperitalo's 2nd Tuesday Surveys(TM)
Jim Thompson
Author e-Mail: 


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by Dr. Radut