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Panel Industry

Issue date: 
May 2, 2011

Forestry industry maps out a greener, more sustainable future

EDMONTON - Canada’s forestry industry has been under the gun this decade, facing devastating beetle damage, softwood-lumber tariff battles with the U.S. and attention from environmental groups over logging practices and pollution.

Issue date: 
May 3, 2011

Rosleshoz will develop new relationships with regions durinf the VII Baikal Economic Forum

Issue date: 
April 27th, 2011

Global demand for plywood and OSB increasing

Issue date: 
Apr 23, 2011

Lumber Demand is Increasing Worldwide

Issue date: 
April 20th, 2011

Forest workers ready to strike in British Columbia

Forestry workers in British Columbia‘s southern interior are ready to strike.

Issue date: 
20 April 2011

Five priority projects with the total cost of 25 bln rubles are implemented in Arkhangelsk Region

Issue date: 
10 April 2011

The plant for low-grade timber processing will be launched in the Republic of Tatarstan

Issue date: 
07 April 2011

Government mulling changes to Barama’s investment agreement

BARAMA Company Limited yesterday gave assurance that it will recommence plywood operations for local consumption in June and for overseas by December, as it seeks to re-employ some of the displaced workers sent home after the closure of the plywood plant.

Issue date: 
April 8th, 2011

Chinese Investment in Canadian Forestry is Soaring

Recent trends indicate that there have been significant growths in Canadian forestry from Chinese investors.

Issue date: 
April 4, 2011

Macroeconomic impact of Japan's earthquake


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by Dr. Radut