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Forest carbon

Issue date: 
November 2010

Seeing REDD: Unresolved trade issues at the brink of consensus

In the lead-up to the UNFCCC’s Sixteenth Conference of the Parties (COP16), the UN collaborative initiative on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation, or “REDD” programme, has become the focus of increased attention.

Issue date: 
November 17, 2010

Integrating FSC certification in REDD+ projects: guidelines for Project Developer - NEW PUBLICATION

This guideline consists of a set of concepts, guidelines and procedures useful for integrating the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) Forest Management certification into the organization of REDD+ projects.

The guideline is divided into three main sections:

Issue date: 
November 2010

REDD (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation): Mitigation, Adaptation and the Resilience of Local Livelihoods

Author: Ibarra Gené, Enrique|2010/11|Working Paper No. 8.|Publisher: S.

Issue date: 
16 Nov. 2010

Largest ever investor group representing over $15 trillion calls for determined policy action on climate change

Largest ever investor group representing over $15 trillion calls for determined policy action on climate change

Issue date: 

REDD+ at project scale: Evaluation and Development Guide

The "REDD+ at project scale: Evaluation and Development Guide" aims at supporting project promoters in developing REDD+ projects, and investors or funding agencies in their assessments of these projects. It offers insights into existing tools and

Issue date: 
October 30, 2010

Harvesting Knowledge on REDD+:Early Lessons from the FCPF Initiative and Beyond

Harvesting Knowledge on REDD+:Early Lessons from the FCPF Initiative and Beyond
Early Lessons from the Forest Carbon Partnership Facility
Author: FMT Working Paper #1
Issue date: 
November 2010

South Africa: Forestry & REDD Briefing Day: 27 January 2011

January 27, 2011
January 27, 2011
Hosted by: 
Green Power Conferences
Issue date: 
November 2010

Joint REDD meeting was held by FIP, FCPF and UN-REDD

A joint meeting of the governing bodies of the Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF), the Forest Investment Program (FIP) and the

Issue date: 
16 November 2010

California pilots REDD with Brazil, Mexico states

California has reached agreement with states in Mexico and Brazil for pilot projects to protect their rainforests in return for carbon credits under the provincial-level, international climate initiative of outgoing Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger.

UNDP: Tackling corruption risks in climate Change

Tackling climate change and fighting corruption go hand-in-hand.


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by Dr. Radut