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Forest carbon

Issue date: 
November 2010

The United States Launches REDD+ Strategy

The U.S. Government is proud to announce the release of the United States' strategy to reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation and increase carbon sequestration by forests in developing countries. This is commonly referred to as REDD+.

Issue date: 
11 November 2010

SI to benefit from US$15.2m for REDD+

SOLOMON ISLANDS is among five countries that would benefit from a funding to support its national REDD+ efforts.

Issue date: 
November 9th, 2010

How to spend $1m reducing climate change

Suppose you had $1 million to spend on tackling climate change.  How would you spend it to get the best bang for your million bucks?

Issue date: 
Nov 11, 2010

EU May Allow Carbon Credits From Forestry to Fill Gap, BNP Trader Says

The European Union may allow use of emission credits from forest protection to help fill any gap from a ban of some industrial-gas credits, a banker at BNP Paribas SA said.

Issue date: 
November 4, 2010

Mexico builds REDD+ strategy with a national vision

By 2012, it is expected that a program for the Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD +) will be fully implemented in Mexico; in the short term, this strategy develops actions for the conservation of forests with the participation of various social organizations in the country and international, federal and state government, and specialists, with funds from international financing.

Issue date: 

REDD+: Belgium promises extra €10 million

A day before the official opening of the high-level segment, a first high-level meeting took place yesterday. Ministers and heads of delegations from 62 countries attended to the meeting to discuss the REDD+ Partnership.

Issue date: 
November 01, 2010

'Redd' - Readiness In India

Acceleration of science and technology is leading the human race towards the zenith of comfort. But ironically, we are coming closer to that great depression, which may mark the end of another civilization. Entire world is now in the grips of unwarranted scare.

Issue date: 
November 5th, 2010

NZ Forestry credits off to Japan

A major Japanese bank has come back for a second helping of New Zealand forestry credits. The deal, finalised last week, is being seen as a positive step in the developing international market for New Zealand’s forestry credits.

Issue date: 
October 2010

UN-REDD and Japan partner to support REDD+ in Asia-Pacific


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by Dr. Radut