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Forest carbon

Issue date: 
14 October 2010

Study supports carbon price to protect forests

A modelling study on the effects of differing land use policies on forests has found that placing a carbon price on emissions are needed to protect forest cover. The lack of a carbon price on land-use emissions is likely to lead to significant deforestation for the purpose of bio-energy crop production this century, it says.

Issue date: 
October 12, 2010

Forging Ahead to Cancun with Five Climate Action Items

Issue date: 
14 October 2010

EU set to overshoot its Kyoto emission targets

A large fall in greenhouse gas emissions brought about by a reduction of industrial activity led by the economic crisis has put the EU on a fast track to meet its Kyoto commitments, but Austria, Denmark and Italy are falling behind, according to new figures.

Issue date: 
13 October 2010

VER market flat, with forestry bright spots

The voluntary carbon market remains sluggish, hit hard by the global financial crisis and ongoing worldwide recession, but life is flickering in the forest carbon segment.

Voluntary carbon buyers are in the market but taking much longer to carry out their buying programmes knowing they are in a good position to hold out and squeeze prices down, says David Pontis, an emissions broker at Tullet Prebon. Organisations are still offsetting but the market appears to be 70 per cent sellers and 30 per cent buyers currently, Pontis said.

Issue date: 
4 October 2010

CDM forestry rules need reform

The CDM’s forest carbon rules surrounding eligibility of both land and activity type need to be reformed if the forest sector is going to make its contribution to the climate change mitigation effort, argues Dr Promode Kant of India’s Institute of Green Economy:

Issue date: 
Oct 11, 2010

REDD forest offset demand 3-7 years away

(Reuters) - A global market in forest carbon offsets under a U.N.-backed scheme will take three to seven years to develop in part because of the stalled U.S. climate bill, a top Indonesian forest investor said.

Issue date: 
October 9, 2010

Pulp and paper firm signs carbon deal in Sumatra

Indonesian pulp and paper firm Asia Pulp and Paper (APP) has signed a deal to protect 15,640 hectares of peat forest in Sumatra in exchange for carbon payments, reports Reuters.

Issue date: 
4 October 2010

REDD+ Partnership Feels the Heat as Climate-Change Talks Begin in Tianjin

4 October 2010 | Negotiators from all 194 Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) are meeting this week in Tianjin, China.  It's the last major meeting before year-end talks in Cancun, and officially they're trying to iron out technical i

Issue date: 
October 1, 2010

Japan: Learning about REDD+

The REDD+ Seminar was held on July 27, 2010, jointly with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA), Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF), Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (ME

Issue date: 
7 October 2010

“Stock-taking meeting” midway through Tianjin shows divergence of views on process and outcome for Cancun

Tianjin, October 7 (Meena Raman) – At the UNFCCC climate talks in Tianjin, a “stock-taking” meeting was held on October 6 which revealed divergent views among several Parties on what the outcome of the forthcoming Cancun conference should be and how the process should move forward from Tianji


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by Dr. Radut