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Joint REDD meeting was held by FIP, FCPF and UN-REDD

External Reference/Copyright
Issue date: 
November 2010
Publisher Name: 
Climate Investment Funds
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A joint meeting of the governing bodies of the Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF), the Forest Investment Program (FIP) and the UN-REDD Programme, will be held in Washington, D.C., USA, on November 6, 2010, at the World Bank.


The Secretariats of the three initiatives were requested to organize this meeting to foster closer integration of the initiatives, including the establishment of a joint platform to share country experiences, disseminate lessons learned, and facilitate strategic discussions.


The meeting is expected to be a dynamic gathering of the members of the governing bodies and observers to discuss an effective collaborative approach among REDD+ initiatives, in particular among the FCPF, FIP and UN-REDD Programme. The FCPF, FIP and UN-REDD Programme have all been established to provide assistance to developing countries for innovative responses to reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation, and together they can contribute significant knowledge and experience.


The program for the joint meeting is structured around plenary sessions to engage the participants in an open discussion of ways to maximize the impact of REDD+ activities at the country level. The meeting format provides an opportunity for participants to present their perspectives, experiences, and reflections on progress, challenges and opportunities in implementing the REDD+ agenda. The purpose of the meeting is to share information and exchange lessons learned so far.


Documents :


Extpub | by Dr. Radut