Real-Time Evaluation of Norway's International Climate and Forest Initiative
The Norwegian Government launched its International Climate and Forest Initiative in December 2007, pledging up to 3 billion Norwegian kroner per year to reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation in developing countries (REDD).
Indonesia - Norway REDD+: A giant step for mankind
Since its announcement of the two-year moratorium on the conservation of natural forests in the recent forest and climate summit in Oslo, the eyes of the world are on Indonesia.
Since the new partnership on reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation between Norway and Indonesia was signed last Thursday, the Royal Norwegian Embassy has received a number of questions on how the partnership will work and why Norway chose to work with Indonesia.
As money for carbon-reducing forestry programs increases, so too does fraud and corruption
As rich countries continue with plans to pour money into forestry programs in the developing world as a way to combat climate change they should heed warnings that the programs will fail to reduce carbon emissions, strip local citizens of their ownership rights, and be ridden with fraud and co
Fires in Amazon challenge emission reduction program
Fire occurrence rates in the Amazon have increased in 59% of areas with reduced deforestation and risks cancelling part of the carbon savings achieved by UN measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from deforestation and degradation.
LULUCF: Rich countries accused of carbon 'cheating'
Some rich countries are seeking new rules under the UN climate convention that campaigners say would allow them to gain credit for "business as usual".
Russia, Australia, Canada and some EU countries are among the accused.
Calling for World Support for Forestry Development
The Federal Government has underscored the need for the industrial nations to support the developing nations to fast track the pace of activities to reduce carbon emissions through deforestation and forest degradation.