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Forest products

Issue date: 
March 18th, 2010

B.C.'s forests minister questions report predicting decline of forest industry

VANCOUVER, B.C. - British Columbia's forests minister says the outlook for the lumber sector in the province's Interior, ravaged by the mountain pine beetle, isn't as pessimistic as an industry report issued this week.

Issue date: 
March 22, 2010

Chile: To suffer from earthquake - forest products industry hit hardest


Issue date: 
March 18 2010

60 percent of Finland's paper industry sitting idle

The majority of Finland's paper manufacturing capacity has had to be shut down because of the stevedore strike. Stora Enso has closed more than half of its paper production in Finland, and UPM has stopped 15 of its 19 paper machines in the country.

Issue date: 
March 16, 2010

Chile earthquake boosts pulp prices

The Feb. 27 Chilean earthquake did enough damage to that country's forest products industry to spark global shortages that are pushing prices higher in Canada.

Issue date: 

Japan Wants World's Largest Woodchip Exporter to Sell FSC Certified Product

It takes time, sometimes decades, but people power can turn around seemingly unstoppable juggernauts. That seems to be what is happening with regard to Tasmania's old growth forests.

Issue date: 
February 15, 2010

Illegal logging rampant in Peru

A survey of 78 forestry concessions in Peru found that 46 (59 percent) were in breach of their concession contracts, reports the International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO).

Monitoring conducted by Peru's Agency for Supervision of Forest Resources and Wildlife (OSINFOR) during 2009 found that many forestry companies were violating their operating plans by overharvesting timber. OSINFOR president Richard Bustamante warned that some concessions could be canceled and firms fined.

Issue date: 
March 9, 2010

WTO: 2010 Focus on Natural Resources in World Trade Report

The World Trade Organisation publishes an annual ‘World Trade Report’ which addresses issues and trends in trade, trade policy and multilateral trading.  The 2010 edition, to be published in July, will be ‘Trade in Natural Resources: Challenges in Global Governance“.

Issue date: 
10 March 2010

Sawmill No.1 to be launched in Komi Republic

A Moscow-based group of investors chose Jartek to deliver a sawmill for a Sawmill №1 that is to be constructed in Kazluk (Komi Republic, Russia). There were several international enterprises competing for this project, resulting in a long and tough bargaining process.

Issue date: 
10th, 2010


Softwood lumber prices were up in both North America and Europe in the 4Q, but it was more the result of lower inventory levels and reduced production rather than an increase in demand, reports the Wood Resource Quarterly. The hot market for lumber last year was China, which increased imports by 75% thereby passing Japan as the largest importer in Asia.Seattle, USA. March, 2010.

Issue date: 

Pulp Supply in Crisis – Paper Supply Reduced



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by Dr. Radut