Golden Agri-Resources (GAR) and its subsidiary PT SMART, supported by TFT and Greenpeace, have reached a significant milestone with the publication of a report detailing the methodology and findings from their High Carbon Stock (HSC) forest fieldwork.
Want to learn more about REDD?
August 2012: Want to know how REDD+ has evolved the past years? Have a look here...►...
Want to learn more about the basics of REDD+?
All those global officials responsible for REDD-plus ►
If you want to have an introduction to REDD+, if you want to understand deforestation, why it happened and where it still happens then follow this link, we will lead you the right direction - and, don't miss "Don't demonize deforestation!"...
Lost in space because of all those specific terms when reading deforestation texts?
Glossary of Forests related Climate specific terms ►
Want to know some background info of UN-REDD programme?
UN-REDD came up with a Q&A in July 2010 ►
All global forest info at your mousecklick...
33 Forest Capital, working in cooperation with Brazilian company CKBV Florestal, part of Grupo Cikel, announced today that it has been awarded Registration under the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) for the first-ever REDD (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation) project in the Amazon...
The Amazon Fund, created in 2008 to promote projects for the prevention and combating deforestation and conservation and sustainable use of forests, has so far approved 30 projects. This represents $ 500 million in investments and $ 303 million in financing from Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento...
Carbon forestry investments in New Zealand and Australia have taken a blow from the combined effects of legislative uncertainty and the depressed prices for carbon based on Euro problems, but the sector remains cautiously optimistic.
Trees may not be the planetary saviors people have been counting on in a warming climate. A new study shows that while trees certainly help counteract rising temperatures, they are absorbing 3.4 percent less carbon than had been assumed in models used in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate...
It is heartening indeed to learn that Bangladesh has been nominated by the least developed countries (LDCs) to the Green Climate Fund (GCF) to help vulnerable countries fight climate risks. This was disclosed by Dr Hasan Mahmud, Minister for Environment and Forests at a seminar on 'Adaptation...
Over the past two years, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and RECOFTC – The Center for People and Forests have brought together regional experts to reflect on the outcomes of the 15th and 16th Conference of the Parties (COP) to the United Nations Framework...
Kenya has contracted Camco Advisory Services to raise private sector awareness of the impact of climate change on different sectors of the economy. The company, contracted by the Office of the Prime Minister and the Ministry of Environment will train personnel in the private sector on project...
Advocates of burying the world's carbon emissions underground have long pushed for a global price on greenhouse gases. But their goal appears ever more elusive as nations fail year after year to agree on putting a price to carbon worldwide. So now the industry is going for the next best thing -...
City Council could invest in Tasmanian forest plantations protected from harvesting in an effort to become Victoria's first carbon-neutral council. The council voted last month to achieve zero carbon emissions for this financial year by spending money on international carbon offset programs. The...
Nestled on a narrow strand of sand that encloses Lap An Lagoon on the central coast of Vietnam are the village’s last few remaining hectares of mangroves, hovering above the water upon their stilted roots. Some of the mangroves’ torpedo-shaped seeds have poked into the ground and spawned fragile...
As the climate negotiations begin again a new working paper from Tony La Vina and colleagues analyses the Durban outcome and calls for a new approach to climate multilateralism. According to the paper, the future of the climate change process depends on how successful we can be in creating this “...
Discussions on how mitigation and adaptation funds will be raised and used in the second commitment period of Kyoto Protocol from 2013-2020 will be key during the climate change talks in Bonn to ensure that REDD+ can move forward. Forest-rich nations cannot wait much longer without progress in...
April 30, 2012 REDD, or reduced emissions from deforestation and forest degradation, is one of the most controversial issues in the climate change debate. The basic concept is simple: governments, companies or forest owners in the South should be rewarded for keeping their forests instead of...
Global demand for carbon credits, especially in Europe for economic reasons, has been declining since 2010. With the prices sliding of Certified Emission Reduction (CER) certificates traded on the international exchange, Indian companies holding the credits are bracing for tough times. Brokers...
TerraCarbon has issued its January 2012 edition of the Forest Carbon Market Update. Highlights include a look at global carbon prices and twelve market developments to look for in 2012. The Forest Carbon Market Update is provided to TerraCarbon’s clients, partners, and colleagues each quarter and...
As part of our ongoing work to ensure all program elements meet or exceed evolving best practice, VCS has determined that several methodologies require minor revisions to conform with latest VCS requirements on standardized methods and the timing of crediting from select carbon pools. These...
Scientists from the University of Gothenburg, Sweden, have investigated how much carbon the natural forests of Sri Lanka contain. The results are important for work to reduce deforestation of tropical countries, and for international negotiations in climate policy relating to a new climate...
A study published in Nature Climate Change this week measured both the biomass of different types of tropical forests and the emissions lost via deforestation, providing more accurate data than was previously available, according to lead author Alessandro Baccini. That’s important for creating...
Today, I am very pleased to welcome Ingvild Andersen as a contributor to REDD+ EARTH! Currently, Ingvild is a MA Candidate in the Department of Social Anthropology at the University of Oslo, where she is part of a group of students researching the social impacts of schemes to Reduce Emissions from...