The purpose of this guidebook is to assist project developers in evaluating and selecting those VCS approved methodology(ies) that are best suited to account for the greenhouse gas benefits of their proposed REDD project activities. It contains a summary of VCS requirements applicable to all REDD...
Want to learn more about REDD?
August 2012: Want to know how REDD+ has evolved the past years? Have a look here...►...
Want to learn more about the basics of REDD+?
All those global officials responsible for REDD-plus ►
If you want to have an introduction to REDD+, if you want to understand deforestation, why it happened and where it still happens then follow this link, we will lead you the right direction - and, don't miss "Don't demonize deforestation!"...
Lost in space because of all those specific terms when reading deforestation texts?
Glossary of Forests related Climate specific terms ►
Want to know some background info of UN-REDD programme?
UN-REDD came up with a Q&A in July 2010 ►
All global forest info at your mousecklick...
At the beginning of the UN climate negotiations in Durban (COP17), FERN published a short report looking at carbon markets as a means of financing REDD. The briefing, which was signed on to by 28 organisations explains why carbon markets will not deliver for southern governments, forests and people.
Assumptions that forest thinning treatments help sequester carbon are not grounded in science — instead, recent research shows that thinning actually releases more carbon to the atmosphere than any amount saved by successful fire prevention. The study acknowledges that there are many valid reasons...
Few studies have attempted to address the carbon emissions resulting from the degradation of tropical forests. Selective forest logging represents an important form of degradation of tropical forests, and may lead to future deforestation of the area by providing accessibility to these areas. This...
ERA Carbon Offsets Ltd. is pleased to announce that the company has achieved a new sales milestone, having sold more than 2 million tonnes of forest based carbon offsets to customers and clients around the world.
Over the years, a number of our clients that first used compliance-grade offsets, namely Certified Emission Reductions (CERs), as part of their carbon management strategies have switched to voluntary offsets, or Verified Emission Reductions (VERs). VERs have become the instrument of choice for...
The following methodologies have been submitted to the VCS methodology approval process. The methodologies are posted on the VCS website for a 30-day public comment period, from 13 December 2011 through 12 January 2012.
UN-backed carbon offsets plunged to an all-time low Tuesday on the back of continued fears of over-supply in the market, albeit in thin trade. By 11:00 GMT, the December 2011 CER contract on
(Reuters) - After decades of depending on bauxite, timber and gold for revenue, Guyana proposed five years ago that wealthy foreigners pay it to protect its tropical South American rainforests. The idea was hailed as an innovative way to spur economic development while helping prevent destruction...
(Reuters) - EU carbon prices fell to their lowest ever level on Wednesday as the euro currency and equities slid on renewed fears over the bloc's debt crisis and oil prices tanked after producers promised to maintain high output. The ICE ECX December 2011 EUA contract fell 73 cents to an all-time...
The Norwegian forestry company Green Resources (GR) is one of several commercial actors that have started planting forests in Africa, aiming to reduce global CO2 emissions and join the international emissions trade market. During my fieldwork in Niassa province in Mozambique, I investigated how one...
Japan aims to start a program to work with companies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in developing countries in 2013, according to a new set of action plans to be introduced at the climate talks in Durban, South Africa. The government has been preparing the bilateral offset credit mechanism...
The Peruvian Amazon is the new global centre of “carbon piracy”, as banks, conservationists and entrepreneurs rush to snap up the legal rights to trade carbon, according to a report published today at the UN climate talks in Durban. More than 35 major projects covering around 7m hectares of...
Voluntary carbon credits were created to reduce CO2 in countries without existing carbon “caps." But European corporates also like them, looking to invest in local projects that are not always kosher under Kyoto. This special report from Ecosystem Marketplace explores existing programs’ limited...
Heating and cooling, timber, water, food, habitat, energy, massive storehouses of carbon – forests provide an incredible amount of direct and indirect ecosystem services to humans, along with all other forms of life on earth. That’s especially true of tropical forests. Unfortunately, these services...
BOLIVIA has tabled a new proposal on forest conservation, but has so far been disappointed by the lack of attention from other negotiators, it said yesterday at the United Nations (UN) climate- change talks in Durban. Bolivia’s chief negotiator, Rene Orellana, said his country was worried about...
Shares in firms set up to profit from efforts to curb pollution traded near all-time lows on Tuesday as the collapse of the carbon emissions market they depend on raised concerns about their future. Last week, the price of these certified emissions reductions (CERs) credits fell by 20% to below 5...
Recently I travelled to the foothills of Mount Kenya to visit the Meru and Nanyuki Community Reforestation Project, so I and a client could meet the communities benefitting from carbon finance and project developer TIST and see the project first hand. My abiding takeaways were of industrious and...
As UN climate talks loom, the Bank is lobbying G20 countries to resuscitate shrinking carbon markets through controversial measures, including using public climate finance to stimulate demand and creating markets for soil and forest carbon.
The Minister for Climate Change, Cassy O’Connor today announced CO2 Australia Limited as the successful consultant who will carry out groundbreaking research into the carbon stored in Tasmania’s forests.