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Engineering News | vor 12 Jahre 4 months

Pulp and paper group Mondi on Thursday confirmed it had put aside €170-million in capital expenditure for energy and debottlenecking projects, with the aim of achieving 97.5% energy self-sufficiency across its operations. “These are all low-risk, high-value-generating projects, with expected...

CIFOR | vor 12 Jahre 4 months

BOGOR, Indonesia (21 February, 2012)_A new study on rubber plantations highlights the need for the REDD+ climate change scheme to further consider biodiversity and rural livelihoods.

FRIM | vor 12 Jahre 4 months

Malaysia (FRIM) and Forestry Department Peninsular Malaysia (FDPM) today reaffirmed their committment for two way collaborative efforts and fortify kindred spirits in conducting R&D in the field of forest and environment for the betterment of forestry sector in this country. This was reflected...

IDLO | vor 12 Jahre 4 months

Reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation, including conservation, forest management and enhanced carbon stocks (REDD+), is an evolving international climate finance mechanism that may provide considerable sustainable development opportunities for developing countries.

Forest People Program | vor 12 Jahre 4 months

Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) at their recent COP17 did not support performance indicators for reporting on the implementation of indigenous peoples’ rights in REDD+. However, they did recognise that REDD+ benefits have to go beyond carbon to include...

AllAfrica | vor 12 Jahre 4 months

As a tangible commendation of the mandate and achievements of the UN Environment Programme (UNEP), the Government of Norway has committed NOK 200 million (US$35 million) for the 2012-2013 biennium to support activities across UNEP's Programme of Work.

Business Green | vor 12 Jahre 4 months

Two of the world's largest brands, Tesco and Unilever, have today launched major new initiatives designed to enhance rainforest protection and improve the sustainability of global supply chains. Supermarket giant Tesco has announced a partnership with the RSPB, dubbed Together for Trees, which is...

Insights | vor 12 Jahre 4 months

This piece was written with Gaia Larsen and Crystal Davis.

The Tyee | vor 12 Jahre 4 months

Worse, the government lacks reliable information on the state of the forest and has no plan for what to do about it, he said. Various observers said Doyle's report confirmed what critics have said for years, but the minister responsible insisted the province has a plan and is doing the necessary...

Times Colonist | vor 12 Jahre 4 months

B.C. auditor general John Doyle said in a report released Thursday that the province is ill-prepared to manage the province's beetle-ravaged forests, which are heading toward a long-term decline in both value and diversity. "We are already facing the fact that the value of the forest is going to be...

Vancouver Sun | vor 12 Jahre 4 months

Re: B.C.'s resources need support, Column, Feb. 17, Province fails to protect, restore beetle-ravaged area: report, Feb. 17 Both Stephen Hume and Auditor-General John Doyle have pointed out in spades the neglected state of B.C.'s forests. Without corrective action - and yes, that means money and...

Times Colonist | vor 12 Jahre 4 months

The ravages of age usually affect people more than institutions. But successive reports on two of the oldest government functions in B.C. have found they are in failing health. A searching look last week at the justice system - a ministry since 1871 - portrayed it as floundering badly. And this...

Vancouver Sun | vor 12 Jahre 4 months

B.C. forest inventories are so far out of date that the foresters' professional association is questioning whether provincial forestlands can still be managed sustainably. A report by the Association of B.C. Forest Professionals released Monday says that at a time when wildfire and insect pests...

Vancouver Sun | vor 12 Jahre 4 months

We pride ourselves on being Super, Natural British Columbia, province of pristine lakes, spectacular wilderness, friendly resource communities and vibrant, sophisticated cities. We market B.C. as "the best place on earth," a place where tourists have unparalleled opportunities to view wildlife,...

Opinion 250 | vor 12 Jahre 4 months

The Auditor General of British Columbia has released a report that is sharply critical of the BC Government and Ministry of Forests’ management of BC forests.  Indeed, it would be hard to find a government report that is more withering in its criticism.  

The Globe and the Mail | vor 12 Jahre 4 months

The B.C. government is not adequately keeping track of its inventory of timber lands, according to NDP Leader Adrian Dix. And that means the province is putting off some tough decisions, he says, on managing what’s left of pine-beetle-ravaged forests. While the mountain pine beetle has been...

The Africa Report | vor 12 Jahre 5 months

What is private sector corruption? A flippant answer would be anything that the losing party in a job or tender selection process says it is, since there is that old saying that one person's corruption (or patronage, nepotism) is another's rightful meritocracy!1 Time for a re-evaluation and new...

Ministry of Agriculture | vor 12 Jahre 5 months

Ireland, as a demonstration of its commitment to sustainable forest management and to addressing the global forest loss and the impacts of climate change, has made a funding contribution of €150,000 to the European Forest Institute EU REDD, which supports better forestry management in developing...

TRUST | vor 12 Jahre 5 months

If the promise of earning carbon credits is realised, Nixon Parnisa counts himself among hundreds of pastoralists likely to profit from a new revenue stream. The herder already has an anaerobic digester at his home in Kitengela, about 120 km (75 miles) northeast of Lake Magadi, in southern Kenya....


by Dr. Radut