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Eureka Net | vor 12 Jahre 5 months

By combining airborne laser technology, satellite mapping, and ground-based plot surveys, a team of researchers has produced the first large-scale, high-resolution estimates of carbon stocks in remote and fragile Madagascar. The group has shown that it is possible to map carbon stocks in rugged...

Times Colonist | vor 12 Jahre 5 months

B.C.'s foresters are an argumentative lot, and for the past few years, one particular disagreement has repeatedly seized their attention. It's the question of how much forest land falls into the official category known as NSR - not satisfactorily restocked.

Climate-L | vor 12 Jahre 5 months

An agroforestry project financed by the World Bank's BioCarbon Fund in western Kenya presented a methodology for soil carbon sequestration through sustainable agricultural land management, which was approved by the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS).

The Citizen | vor 12 Jahre 5 months

Dar es Salaam. Tanzania has only spent half of Norwegian funds on Reduced Deforestation and Land Degradation (REDD), the ambassador of Norway, Ms Ingunn Klepsvik has said.Speaking to The Citizen recently, Ms Klepsvik said despite halfway expenditure on Norwegian REDD funds, the country has...

Silicon Republic | vor 12 Jahre 5 months

The clean-tech tax changes to the Finance Bill have been welcomed by the Green IFSC, which says Ireland’s Government is likely the first in the world to recognise forest carbon credits in tax legislation. Yesterday's announcement about Finance Bill 2012 will extend the range of carbon offsets that...

The daily Star | vor 12 Jahre 5 months

Instead of protecting wildlife, the proposed wildlife preservation act focuses more on giving more power and dominion to an incompetent forest department widely criticised for its commercial forestry practices, said speakers at a discussion yesterday. The draft law is worse than the 38-year-old...

International Forest Industries | vor 12 Jahre 5 months

Earlier in the week the news broke that a New Zealand-born billionaire was in negotiations with Gunns to buy a substantial part of the Tasmanian-based timber company. Gunns shares went into a trading halt on Tuesday and on Wednesday morning the company announced that they have agreed on commercial...

AllAfrica | vor 12 Jahre 5 months

Tanzania is among countries that would benefit from funds donated by Norway to finance projects that aim at reducing the effects of climate change.Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD). In an exclusive interview with The Citizen last week, the Norwegian ambassador to...

Nature | vor 12 Jahre 5 months

01 February 2012 (NATURE.com)- A scramble to buy African land is threatening the continent’s sustainable development, according to reports launched today at the Royal Society in London.

TRUST NET | vor 12 Jahre 5 months

REDD+ (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation) aims to reward or compensate tropical developing countries for keeping their forests intact or for reducing the scale of  deforestation.

Bretton Woods Project | vor 12 Jahre 5 months

While steaming ahead with new carbon market initiatives, the World Bank attracted further criticism and suffered potential setbacks on agriculture and on the Green Climate Fund (GCF) at the UN climate negotiations in Durban.

BC New Democrats | vor 12 Jahre 5 months

The Forest Practices Board has confirmed that former forest minister Pat Bell has been grossly understating the true problems facing B.C.’s forests. New Democrat forest critic Norm Macdonald said Bell needs to explain why his estimate of crown lands that have not been adequately replanted was less...

AllAfrica | vor 12 Jahre 5 months

ANNUALLY, the country loses an estimated 400,000 hectares of forest cover to logging mainly for energy, and timber used in construction and furniture making. "If we empower communities with skills to protect forests, we will stop deforestation and poverty escalation," said Dr Felician Kilahama,...

South Asia One World | vor 12 Jahre 5 months

In its latest report, the Indian government has attributed the declining forest cover in India to forest clearance by Maoist guerrillas. The statistics, however, say the contrary.

Bloomberg | vor 12 Jahre 5 months

Spain may need to buy at least 355 million euros ($466 million) of carbon emissions permits to meet its obligations under the Kyoto Protocol, Agriculture Minister Miguel Arias-Canete said. The country will need at least 67 million metric tons of emissions permits to cover greenhouse gas emissions...

Guyana Chronicle | vor 12 Jahre 5 months

THE Guyana REDD+ Investment Fund (GRIF) will not be available for disbursal until the Government of Guyana and its partners -- the Inter- American Development Bank (IDB) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) -- have agreed on projects to be presented to the Steering Committee.

LiveMint | vor 12 Jahre 5 months

India’s environment ministry has blamed Maoist rebels and shifting cultivation practised in the country’s north-east for a drop in forest cover. Forests and trees covered slightly less than one-fourth of the country’s geographical area, a decline of 0.03 percentage point from the previous...

AllAfrica | vor 12 Jahre 5 months

COMMUNITIES and conservation groups should own forests to earn from Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD) programme. Director of Forestry and Beekeeping Department Felician Kilahama said in Bagamoyo last weekend that currently multinationals and international conservationists...

The Tyee | vor 12 Jahre 5 months

On the second of February, I attended a presentation at the Western Silvicultural Contractors' Association AGM in Kamloops. The presentation was made by Marvin Eng, a special investigator at the Forest Practices Board, who is tasked with clarifying the status and implications of "not satisfactorily...

Toronto Sun | vor 12 Jahre 5 months

MONTREAL - Quebec will turn 20% of its vast northern territory into internationally recognized protected areas, a plan Premier Jean Charest said is one of the largest conservation projects in the world. "No other government in the world has protected an area so vast in such a short span of time,"...


by Dr. Radut