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Digital Journal | vor 12 Jahre 5 months

Scientific Certification Systems (SCS) has validated Anthrotect’s Chocó-Darién Corridor carbon offset project to the Climate, Community and Biodiversity (CCB) Project Design Standards. The project, located in northwestern Colombia near the Panama border, was awarded CCB Gold Level status for its...

The Africa Report | vor 12 Jahre 5 months

What is private sector corruption? A flippant answer would be anything that the losing party in a job or tender selection process says it is, since there is that old saying that one person's corruption (or patronage, nepotism) is another's rightful meritocracy!1 Time for a re-evaluation and new...

Ministry of Agriculture | vor 12 Jahre 5 months

Ireland, as a demonstration of its commitment to sustainable forest management and to addressing the global forest loss and the impacts of climate change, has made a funding contribution of €150,000 to the European Forest Institute EU REDD, which supports better forestry management in developing...

TRUST | vor 12 Jahre 5 months

If the promise of earning carbon credits is realised, Nixon Parnisa counts himself among hundreds of pastoralists likely to profit from a new revenue stream. The herder already has an anaerobic digester at his home in Kitengela, about 120 km (75 miles) northeast of Lake Magadi, in southern Kenya....

WRI | vor 12 Jahre 5 months

The Carbon Canopy is a novel partnership among companies, landowners, and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) that seeks to leverage markets for ecosystem services to increase the area of southern U.S. forests certified as sustainably managed. The partnership aspires to sustain southern forests...

Kaieteur News Online | vor 12 Jahre 5 months

The Surinamese government has warned donors to stop treating the issue of eco-systems as mere handouts. John Goedschalk, of Suriname’s Climate Compatible Development Agency, made the call on Monday during the launch of the Guyana Shield Facility, a fund to protect the ecosystems in the Guyana...

APP | vor 12 Jahre 5 months

Prime Minister Syed Yusuf Raza Gilani on Wednesday inaugurated the Spring Tree Plantation campaign by planting a tree here at the PM House and made an impassioned appeal to the nation to make Pakistan green.Gilani planted a “Chir Pine” on the green slopes of the Prime Minister House, an extension...

China Daily | vor 12 Jahre 5 months

The central government has invested 461.1 billion yuan ($73.19 billion) in forestry over the past six years, the State Forestry Administration said Wednesday. The investment averages out at 76.85 billion yuan per annum, up from 41.53 billion yuan in 2005. A large part of the investment was spent on...

Timber Community | vor 12 Jahre 5 months

Norske Skog sells back part of its energy contract to Statkraft. Norske Skog has reached an agreement to sell back excess power in southern Norway to Statkraft. The sale encompasses an annual volume of 680 gigawatt hours and covers the period through the end of 2020. The transaction will be closed...

The Jakarte Globe | vor 12 Jahre 5 months

Efforts to stem illegal logging by requiring Indonesian timber exports to be certified will prove futile if cheaper, uncertified wood continues to be available on the market, officials said on Tuesday. Diah Raharjo, director of the Multistakeholder Forestry Program, a collaboration between the...

Climate & Development Knowledge Network | vor 12 Jahre 5 months

The high-level politicking of international climate negotiations can sometimes hide the nuances of the issues being discussed. During the calm weeks following the storm of negotiations in Durban we have had an opportunity to assess what all 36 decisions that came out of the conference will really...

Nicolas Institute | vor 12 Jahre 5 months

Healthy ecosystems provide many services to society, including water filtration, biodiversity habitat protection, and carbon sequestration. A number of incentive programs and markets have arisen to pay landowners for these services, raising questions about how landowners can receive multiple...

Forest Carbon Asia | vor 12 Jahre 5 months

Bangladesh recently took its first steps on the road to REDD+ Readiness by holding national and sub-national REDD+ consultations. The national multi-stakeholder workshop in Dhaka on 25 October was followed by a regional workshop in the Chittagong Hill Tracts. These events brought together more than...

Forest Talk | vor 12 Jahre 5 months

The Government of British Columbia announced today that all of Avatar Grove, a unique stand of old-growth cedars near Port Renfrew, is now protected in an expanded old growth management area. After a public review and comment period during fall 2011, the existing old-growth management area around...

Forest Talk | vor 12 Jahre 5 months

British Columbia Auditor General John Doyle has released his latest report, An Audit of the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations’ Management of Timber.

Accointing Today | vor 12 Jahre 5 months

United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon urged corporate leaders to back up their words about sustainable business practices with concrete actions at a KPMG-sponsored conference on sustainability. Ki-moon praised the growth of sustainability reporting by a growing number of corporations at the...

Space Daily | vor 12 Jahre 5 months

An interactive web tool has been developed to improve the accuracy and extent of global land use and forest cover information. The new 'Geo-Wiki' uses Google Earth and information provided by a global network of volunteers to fill in 'data gaps' and to verify existing land cover information....

Daily Pioneer | vor 12 Jahre 5 months

Foresters must face various tough challenges in the current scenario of global climate change, Forest Survey of India director general AK Wahal said while chairing the valedictory session of a two-day workshop on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation plus (REDD +) for Indian...

Forest Carbon Asia | vor 12 Jahre 5 months

This publication is the report of the workshop titled “Decentralised Forest Governance: Beyond JFM” held on 14-15th October, 2011 in Bhubaneswar, India. The objectives of the workshop were: 


by Dr. Radut