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Stabroek | vor 14 Jahre 1 month

Environmental services provided by Guyana’s forests cannot be sold without the agreement of the government, Minister of Agriculture, Robert Persaud says.

The Guardian | vor 14 Jahre 1 month

Finance ministers must realise that mounting devastation of ecosystems harms economic development It is all too easy to forget in the city-centred 21st century that human wellbeing is utterly dependent on the natural world. To state the obvious, we cannot survive without fresh water, food and...

The Washington Post | vor 14 Jahre 1 month

BONN, Germany -- A new round of climate talks ended Friday with rich and poor countries both sharply criticizing a new text meant to pave the way toward a deal to halt global warming. Still, the United Nations said progress was made at the two-week meeting in Bonn. "This all in all is a big...

Kyodo | vor 14 Jahre 1 month

TOKYO, June 12 KYODO - .... In the fourth area of ''strategies to make Japan a tourism-oriented country and revitalize local areas,'' promoting tourism using Japan's cultural heritage and natural beauty can be instrumental to the economic revitalization of the regions. Already, the conditions...

Mongabay | vor 14 Jahre 1 month

Journalists who report on deforestation and pollution are increasingly at risk of violence, imprisonment, or persecution, finds a new report released last week by Reporters Without Borders.

Stabroek | vor 14 Jahre 1 month

Dear Editor, While the Government of Guyana leads the world in plans for low carbon development, the considerable carbon emissions’ benefits of improved forest management are not being sufficiently stressed.  This oversight is not unique to Guyana – around the world, deforestation and not forest...

Vancouver Sun | vor 14 Jahre 1 month

John Innes, to be officially named as the new dean of the University of B.C.'s Faculty of Forestry today, said his priorities include developing links with China and other international partners, and working closely with first nations representatives.

UN REDD | vor 14 Jahre 1 month

UN-REDD Programme Officer, Wahida Patwa-Shah and UN-REDD Natural Resources Officer, Linda Rosengren, look beyond carbon to flesh out the many ways forests provide benefits to society, and highlight steps the UN-REDD Programme is taking to ensure these benefits are safeguarded in national REDD+...

Earth Negotiations Bulletin | vor 14 Jahre 1 month

The Bonn Climate Change Talks begin today and are scheduled to conclude on Friday, 11 June 2010. The meeting will include the 32nd sessions of the Subsidiary Bodies of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the tenth session of the Ad Hoc Working Group on Long-term...

Mongabay | vor 14 Jahre 1 month

Activists from the Rainforest Action Network voice support for the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certification scheme but say stronger policy measures are needed to control deforestation.

LAW BY and BELTA | vor 14 Jahre 1 month

MINSK, 1 June (BelTA) – The Foreign Ministry of Belarus jointly with the UNDP Office is planning an investment project to aid adaptation of forestry to climate change, BelTA learnt from Valentin Shatravko, chief of the forestry department of the Forestry Ministry. Valentin Shatravko is...

PE Hub | vor 14 Jahre 1 month

Global Environment Fund is raising $150 million for a private equity fund solely focused on sustainable forestry in sub-Saharan Africa. It already has secured a $50 million commitment from UK-based development finance group CDC. PRESS RELEASE

Greenwood Management | vor 14 Jahre 1 month

The next decade should see a rising wave of investment in green funds, leading financiers are predicting. Research firm Prequin said green investment funds have gathered $12 billion to spend worldwide, with a further $26.7 billion on the horizon. The company's 2010 Private Equity Review said...

Greenwood Management | vor 14 Jahre 1 month

Confidence in timber investment funds has been heightened after a major American state pension fund decided to put $500 million into timber. Massachusetts Pension Reserves Investment Management Board (Mass PRIM) has decided to make the investment just three years after selling a $700 million...

The Ecologist | vor 14 Jahre 1 month

Deutsche Bank economist Pavan Sukhdev is heading up the groundbreaking TEEB (The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity) report and doing for nature what Sir Nicholas Stern did for climate change - valuing it Tom Levitt: Why are we putting a value on nature, why don't we just close off and...

The Ecologist | vor 14 Jahre 1 month

Instead of making exaggerated claims about species becoming extinct, NGOs could make progress on issues like deforestation by collaborating more closely with companies, claims a new report The continued expansion of palm oil plantations means orangutans are just a few years from extinction, if...

The Washington Post | vor 14 Jahre 1 month

In the days after the immensity of the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico became clear, some Nature Conservancy supporters took to the organization's Web site to vent their anger.

France24 | vor 14 Jahre 1 month

AFP - Illegal logging and unregulated real estate projects are threatening the Balkans' once abundant forests, home to more than half of Europe's bears and to large wolf populations. To alert public opinion to the looming dangers, national parks in the region will rally this weekend to mark the...


by Dr. Radut