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PaperIndex Times | vor 12 Jahre 4 Tage

Wood costs for many European pulp mills have fallen the past six months as the pulp market has weakened. In the Nordic countries, pulplog and wood chip prices have fallen 11-15 percent from last spring, according to the Wood Resource Quarterly. Despite the price decline, Europe continues to have...

PaperIndex Times | vor 12 Jahre 4 Tage

Weyerhaeuser Company (NYSE: WY) today announced its preference for purchasing wood that is certified under the American Tree Farm System®. This decision aligns with the company's commitment to responsible fiber sourcing. For more than 89,000 family forest owners sustainably managing 27 million...

Forest Carbon Asia | vor 12 Jahre 5 Tage

Benefit sharing is central to achieving the objectives of REDD+. For REDD+, benefit sharing covers how carbon revenues are to be assigned and shared among all stakeholders involved in meeting REDD+ goals. In practice, benefits need to be shared prior to receiving carbon revenues.

REDD Net Blogs | vor 12 Jahre 4 Tage

This is the second in a series of guest contributions focussed on sharing local experiences from around the world in developing and implementing safeguards in REDD+. The series will feature contributions from Central America, East Africa and Asia-Pacific. In this blog Promode Kant discusses the...

Forest Carbon Asia | vor 12 Jahre 5 Tage

The sustainability of REDD+ initiatives will depend heavily on whether there is an adequate determination of local as well as national beneficiaries. REDD+ offers a unique opportunity for new benefit streams for local communities.

PaperIndex Times | vor 12 Jahre 4 Tage

With the introduction of the EU Timber Regulation (EUTR) only months away, PEFC UK hosted a Stakeholder Meeting in London on the 26 June, with the central theme of mitigating risk in procuring forest products. The first in an annual opportunity for the sustainable products community to come...

Forest Talk | vor 12 Jahre 5 Tage

Last year, Ontario unveiled a new “Ontario Wood” program to promote Ontario grown wood to consumers. The program is modelled after the highly successful Foodland Ontario brand and promotes the benefits of buying high-quality Ontario wood products while raising awareness of the sustainability of the...

Environmental Leader | vor 12 Jahre 1 Woche

Asia Pulp & Paper has pledged that by 2020 all of its suppliers will be certified under the voluntary Indonesian sustainable forest management scheme.

Directions Magazine | vor 12 Jahre 1 Woche

UK satellite imaging company DMCii has successfully led a multi-disciplinary consortium to win a place on the Department for International Development (DfID) Forest Governance Markets and Climate (FGMC) Framework Agreement. This means they will be able to bid for projects to monitor forest...

Live Mint | vor 12 Jahre 1 Woche

Mumbai: Sustainable forestry-focused private equity (PE) firm, Global Environment Fund (GEF), has raised a Rs. 700 crore, small and medium enterprises (SME)-focused South Asia fund dedicated to India—the first niche fund of its kind in the country.

EBRD | vor 12 Jahre 1 Woche

Our forests are a vital source of life to plants, animals and humans alike. Their trees do not merely provide a habitat for many species, but they also make the air clean and mitigate the effects of climate change by absorbing carbon dioxide. Ensuring that the forests stay alive is therefore vital...

WoodWorking Network | vor 12 Jahre 1 Woche

When it comes to sustainable forestry, the country of Peru is at a critical crossroads. On a trip to that country this spring, I met with government, industry and conservation officials regarding a proposed Spanish-language training center for their region.

CIFOR | vor 12 Jahre 1 Woche

If a scheme to pay developing countries to reduce carbon emissions by slowing deforestation is to have legitimacy, land tenure needs not just to be clarified – but to be clarified in a way that respects the rights of local communities, according to experts from the Centre for International Forestry...

Daily News Tanzania | vor 12 Jahre 1 Woche

APPROPRIATION of massive land from villagers for tree planting in the Reduced Emission from Deforestation and Forest (REDD) programme is feared to threaten food security, unless the exercise was carefully undertaken. While presenting a paper in Dar es Salaam on Thursday, on the Tanzania Forest...

Pambazuka | vor 12 Jahre 1 Woche

As evening falls, Albertina Francisco*, a farmer from the Nhambita community in Sofala province, Mozambique, returns home. She is tired after another day of work at her machamba (a term used in Mozambique to refer to a patch of farmland). In addition to looking after the maize, mapira (a type of...

PHYS.ORG | vor 12 Jahre 1 Woche

The Winrock team, which included scientists from Applied GeoSolutions, NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory and University of Maryland, combined the best available spatially consistent datasets on gross forest loss and forest carbon stocks to track emissions from deforestation in millions of individual...

ProFor | vor 12 Jahre 1 Woche

When I started working on forest governance issues, back in the late 1990s, you could talk about governance and corruption issues only in hushed tones. Since then, through a series of global efforts, we have progressed to a point where the state of forest governance can be openly debated at public...

IIED | vor 12 Jahre 1 Woche

Forests constitute the vast majority of what is green on planet earth. The quest for a green economy at Rio+20 excited the full spectrum of the forest community – from forest industries to local forest rights-holder groups. Both groups have something to offer – although it may be necessary to...

Mail&Guardian | vor 12 Jahre 1 Woche

Multinational companies are queuing up to do business in Gabon, despite questions being raised about the validity of President Ali Bongo Ondimba’s rule. Among these are South African companies, including Sustainable Forestry Management, run by conservationist Alan Bernstein. It  entered Gabon in...

Huffington Post | vor 12 Jahre 1 Woche

Think of Rio+20 as cinema. In its simplest black and white, small screen format, it was unsatisfying. Government negotiators failed to reach any agreements of note. But, in color, on the large screen, with your 3D glasses on, it was much more. Creative leaders, impatient with the formal process,...


by Dr. Radut