Forest Products Industry
Exclusive-In high-wage Germany, VW's labour costs outstrip the competition
Categories: Forest Products Industry
Comcast to proceed with plans to spin off its cable channels, sources say
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What is the Certificate of Deposit Account Registry Service (CDARS), and how does it work?
Categories: Forest Products Industry
Nokia's US shares rise after T-Mobile says no plans to stop partnership
Categories: Forest Products Industry
Pfizer cannot recoup $75 million from SEC insider trading settlement, judge rules
Categories: Forest Products Industry
Finishing off with a quality award
Metsä Group’s Wood Supply and Forest Services, Metsä Forest, has won the 2024 Finnish Quality Award granted by the Excellence Finland. The Finnish Quality Award is based on a thorough evaluation of the organisation’s activities following the international EFQM (European Foundation for Quality Management) model. The prestigious award has been granted since 1991. Source: Timberbiz According to the jury, values are strongly present in the organisation’s daily operations, and change is managed systematically. Metsä Group’s Wood Supply and Forest Services offers its customers a wide range of services, and knowledge-based management makes the supply chain more efficient. Innovation is supported with the aid of developer communities, and operations are guided by a comprehensive set of metrics that support the achievement of strategic targets and cooperation. “The excellent score that Metsä Group’s Wood Supply and Forest Services obtained in the Finnish Quality Award competition reflects a strong commitment to quality development and continuous improvement. The company is a great example of how Finnish competitiveness is being systematically improved in the long term. “The EFQM model is an excellent way to assess your organisation’s performance and strategy implementation. It also challenges organisaxtions to genuinely take action to continuously improve their operations,” said Juha Ylä-Autio, CEO of Excellence Finland. In addition, the Metsä Group Plus forest management model, launched in 2023, came second place in the 2024 Quality Innovation Award competition. Metsä Group Plus is a forest management model that pays increasingly close attention to forest biodiversity and forest nature in the implementation of forest work. In the Metsä Group Plus model, the competition jury high-lighted the real ecological impact and long-term focus on climate sustainability. “We have a great team, and I’m very happy on behalf of our entire organisation for this award and recognition. They show that our determined and persistent development work has paid off. The score we achieved in the Quality Award competition was so high that it would have brought a win in many previous years as well. “Above all, it’s about customer orientation, systematic implementation of strategy, a shared situational picture and the ability to work as a team, as well as smooth cooperation with various stakeholders. We’ll continue to actively develop the opera-tions of the best organisation in our field,” said Juha Jumppanen, Metsä Group’s EVP, Wood Supply and Forest Services. Metsä Group’s Wood Supply and Forest Services was also successful in quality competitions in 2023, when an artificial intelligence application for detecting forest insect damage, implemented with CollectiveCrunch Oy, won both the Finnish and international Quality Innovation Award competitions.
Categories: Forest Products Industry
Waratah’s head start
Waratah’s all-new HX line consists of the 624HX and 626HX harvester heads and purpose-built LPX loader-processor head. Source: Timberbiz The 624HX, 626HX and new loader-processor LPX are more durable and higher performing than previous models. Weighing in at 3990 kg (8,796 lb.), the redesigned 624HX harvester head delivers impressive log picking, feeding and handling with unmatched uptime. This efficient 600-Series head provides the durability, reliability and speed loggers need to maximize every minute of work. The new 626HX harvester head redefines Waratah’s legendary Bigwood head with even more performance. Weighing in at 4600 kg (10,141 lb.), this 600-Series has significantly im-proved feeding and delimbing. Its large 950 mm (37.4 in) sawing capacity helps boost productivity day in and day out. In addition, the 624HX and the 626HX boast a slew of beneficial HX-line features. The main frame and tilt frame provide improved durability and are optimized for weight and strength. The heads feature stronger clamping force to provide better log grip at the deck and holding power. With HD-swept profile delimb arms, the 624HX and 626HX feature improved log picking thanks to larger delimb openings. Feeding is improved by new diameter sensor technology, while arm design helps log transport. Larger saw capacities, improved saw control plus larger saw motors contribute more efficiency and power to the cut. A new main control valve provides better flow, cooler operation and higher working pressures. It also allows an improved layout and better feed-motor synchronization. The valve cover is stronger and sleeker with tough hinges and a quick latching system. Features like the new auto-tension top saw, an improved measuring arm design, a hinged and removeable oil tank and feed arm hose bulkheads contribute to accessible and simplified servicing. Easy-access grease points and grease banks enable the greasing of the entire head in less than 15 minutes. Loggers can tailor the heads to their operation with options like higher-torque feed motors, a variety of feed wheels, dual rotate motors, LED and SED colour-marking systems and more. The all-new LPX is a purpose-built loader-processor head that includes many of the new HX line features. With a weight of 4070 kg (8,973 lb.), this durable head is built to work in tight spaces, with balanced grapple and processing capabilities to improve daily productivity. Its wide grapple opening and two delimb/grapple arms provide optimum delimbing, deck pro-cessing and log handling to keep timber moving. The new auto-tension top saw on the LPX has even more capacity, allowing for sawing large-diameter or multiple logs, and greater rotate torque and power improve log placement capability. Additionally, the high, wide saw box improves log picking over the side of a landing. The LPX’s sleek, short-tilt frame tilts for feeding and decking logs on slopes and re-duces swinging for smoother operation in and out of the log deck. It also provides better servicing and valve accessibility than previous LP models. The LPX, 624HX and 626HX heads all utilize the TimberRiteTM H-16 control system for optimum head performance, productivity and measuring accuracy. All Waratah heads come with easily accessible support for dealers and products, and genuine Waratah parts with an industry-leading warranty. These heads are available to customers in the United States, Canada, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Asia Pacific, Brazil and Latin America.
Categories: Forest Products Industry
Forest Carbon Market toolkit released at COP29
The Commonwealth Secretariat launched its Forest Carbon Market toolkit at COP29, providing a roadmap to accessing funding through the voluntary carbon market, while protecting the lives and livelihoods of Indigenous Peoples, local communities, and landowners. The Commonwealth is home to 810 million hectares of forests. Source: Timberbiz The toolkit launch was highly anticipated, drawing a large crowd at the event. The growth of forest carbon markets in recent years has been driven by increasing concerns over climate change and the need to lower greenhouse gas emissions. The Forest Carbon Market Toolkit states: “Incentives provided through the carbon markets can help tropical forest countries to diversify funding sources and increase investment in the forest sector.” The forest carbon credit market is complex and involves multiple players, such as forest landowners, compliance buyers and voluntary buyers. Speaking at the launch of the toolkit, the Commonwealth Secretary-General, the Rt Hon Patricia Scotland KC, said: “This tool represents a crucial step in harnessing the power of our forests to drive both climate action and sustainable development. It is a roadmap for translating the potential of forest carbon into a tangible reality: one that benefits people, nature, and the global climate alike. “Forests play an unparalleled role in our fight against climate change. They store and sequester vast amounts of carbon, around 2.6 billion tonnes every year: absorbing nearly a third of humanity’s fossil fuel emissions.” The toolkit highlighted the experience of Guyana and Rwanda in accessing the carbon market, providing case studies that other Commonwealth member countries can emulate. Vanessa Benn, Chair of the Board of Directors of the Guyana Forestry Commission and Project Coordinator at the Iwokrama International Centre for Rainforest Conservation and Development (IIC), spoke on behalf of the Guyana Minister of Natural Resources about the country’s experience in protecting forests. The IIC, under a joint mandate from the Government of Guyana and the Commonwealth Secretariat, manages the Iwokrama Forest, a unique reserve of 371,000 hectares of rainforest. Benn said: “I am particularly appreciative of the efforts of the Commonwealth to launch the Forest Carbon Toolkit today. Guyana is the second-most forested country in the world. We maintain sustainable forestry practices and we are continually developing means by which our country can be developed. “By using the Forest Carbon Toolkit, our country can enhance our efforts as we progress along the path of voluntary carbon markets to mitigate against the powerful impacts of climate change.” From 2009 to 2016, Guyana received US$227 million from the Government of Norway in a non-market phase that enabled them to develop the capabilities to participate fully in the market. As a result, Guyana generated 37.5 million carbon credits from 2016 to 2020 and will be generating 7.5 million credits every year till 2030. You can download the toolkit here.
Categories: Forest Products Industry
Greening construction necessary for Victoria
The Victoria Forest Products Association is calling on the Victorian Parliament to establish a State Government policy on Greening Construction with Sustainable Wood Products. Source: Timberbiz In France, all new public buildings must be constructed with at least 50% of wood or other natural materials. This includes all buildings constructed for the 2024 Paris Olympics. With timber-based design options currently representing less than 2% of mid to high-rise building construction projects in Australia, the VFPA says there is substantial opportunity to reduce embodied emissions through increased use of timber products in large scale buildings, and housing. The VFPA says requiring new building projects to give preference to domestically produced sustainable timber products – a ‘wood first’ policy for housing in Victoria – could include preferencing structural engineered wood products (such as GLT) in multi-story construction, alongside other timber products – including in social housing. The parliament should also consider introducing embodied carbon reduction requirements for government buildings and projects. To do this, government needs to endorse an agreed state framework to measure, verify and compare embodied carbon emissions in new building pro-jects, and major refurbishments. The VFPA says this will be essential to allow building owners and investors to set robust and measurable targets for reducing embodied emissions in buildings.
Categories: Forest Products Industry
New Zealand ACCTS on fresh approach to global trade
The formal signing of the ACCTS by New Zealand, Costa Rica, Switzerland, and Iceland was welcomed by the Wood Processors and Manufacturers Association. Source: Timberbiz “The ACCTS is significant as it is the first trade agreement of its kind dedicated to trade and climate issues hence demonstrating a fresh approach to global trade negotiations,” said WPMA Chief Executive, Mark Ross. “The agreement eliminates tariffs on 316 environmental goods, including 34 wood products such as sawn timber, pulp, and panels for construction.” New Zealand exports over NZ$2.4 billion of wood products worldwide and has a leading story to tell around our sustainable and renewable forests fitting strongly with the core goals of ACCTS. “By capturing atmospheric carbon, wood has an important role to play within the global carbon cycle and our fight against climate change,” said Mr Ross. Particularly important is the fact that this agreement opens new opportunities for New Zealand wood product exporters. Being designed as an open plurilateral agreement means that other core trading partners will be encouraged to join ACCTS over time thus growing our export markets for environmental and sustainable goods. The ACCTS was conceived out of the idea that the policy levers needed to drive the transition to low-emissions, climate-resilient and sustainable economies must and can include trade policy, rules and architecture. It is a ground-breaking trade agreement bringing together the interrelated elements of climate change, sustainability and trade. It will include ambitious and environmentally credible lists on environmental goods and services, removing tariffs on over 300 environmental goods and including more than 100 environmental and environmentally related services, facilitating market access and providing greater certainty for suppliers on a non-discriminatory basis. At the same time, the ACCTS supports Parties’ shared commitments to uphold the objectives of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and goals of the Paris Agreement, to achieve net zero emissions and promote sustainable development. The ACCTS includes innovative principles-based guidelines for voluntary eco-labelling programmes to better support consumers to choose products based on their environmental credentials, promote trade in sustainable products and avoid the inadvertent creation of barriers to trade. New Zealand, Costa Rica, Switzerland, and Iceland may well have started something that not only could lead to a larger trade and climate agreement but also provides a lesson in decisiveness that all countries should take to heart. More detail on ACCTS can be found at
Categories: Forest Products Industry
Head of R&D needed to replace Chris Lafferty at FWPA
With Chris Lafferty retiring from his role as Head of Research and Development with Forest & Wood Products Australia in June 2025, the organisation is advertising for a Head of Research, Development and Extension. Source: Timberbiz This senior position, reporting directly to the CEO, will be responsible for providing strategic oversight and program management for the research and development program stream with a focus on wood products. The successful candidate will be responsible for: End to end program management involving determining high value research projects required by members, developing project scopes, contracting, tracking and managing research outcomes and applying risk and governance controls. Working closely with the marketing team to provide content and insights that will activate and drive member engagement. Liaise with stakeholders across industry, network and present outcomes to promote the program and key projects. Act as part of the senior leadership team to provide strategic and people leadership to FWPA. This also includes collaborating with and supporting other program streams. FWPA is looking for someone with experience within the forest products industry in program management and/or research and development. Tertiary qualifications in a related technical field such as research and development or similar are beneficial plus at least 10 years of relevant work experience. The job requires strong program management, critical thinking and report writing capabilities, strong communication and relationship building capabilities. The goal is to facilitate a significant overlap period between Dr Lafferty and his successor, providing ample opportunity for comprehensive onboarding, introductions to key relationships, and proactive knowledge sharing to ensure a seamless transition for the broader team. Applications, including a cover letter and resume, should be sent to
Categories: Forest Products Industry
How long before the Greens pull the strings of Tasmanian Labor
The Greens party has made it clear that the cost of their support for Federal Labor’s legislative agenda will be bans on native forestry, according to Tasmania’s Minister for Business, Industry and Resources, Eric Abetz. Source: Timberbiz Mr Abetz said there were no limits to the Greens’ radical quest to end Tasmania’s world-class and sustainable native forestry industry. “This is a bad sign for (Opposition Leader) Dean Winter as he attempts to keep the radical left of his own party in check,” Mr Abetz said. “A Labor-Green minority government, whether in Tasmania or in Canberra, would mean a restart of the forestry wars and an open attack on the thousands of Tasmanians that rely on our sustainable forestry sector for their livelihoods. “The last Labor-Green ‘forest peace deal’ betrayed Tasmanian timber communities and gutted two out of three jobs from the sector. “In contrast, our 2030 Strong Plan for Tasmania’s Future backs in sustainable forestry, keeping our economy strong and creating the jobs Tasmanians need to ensure that Tasmania remains the best state to live, work and raise a family,” he said. “The Greens have made clear the price of their support for a Labor minority government. “How long can Dean Winter hold out against these radical demands and Labor’s left-faction controlled party machine?” Mr Abetz said that like death and taxes, one of the certainties of life is Labor’s equivocation on native forestry and the many jobs it supports. He said workers needed to look any further than Western Australia and Victoria where State Labor Governments ended sustainable native forestry to appease their Left flanks or even Tasmania where the Labor-Green ‘forest peace deal’ gutted the industry, taking two out of every three jobs. Most recently, NSW Labor, supported by the Federal Labor Government, has proposed to “reward” states for essentially locking-up public native forests. “This latest betrayal of timber communities by Labor is as predictable as it is tragic,” said Mr Abetz. “Labor, in its insatiable thirst for inner-city Green votes, is once again putting workers last, seemingly unwilling to recognise that productive forest estates, including Tasmania’s, provide the opportunity to sequester carbon in long-lived timber products and provide society with low emission construction materials. “In contrast, our 2030 Strong Plan for Tasmania’s Future backs in sustainable forestry to keep our economy strong to create the jobs Tasmanians need to ensure that Tasmania remains the best State to live, work and raise a family. “The Tasmanian Liberal Government recognises the views of world-leading experts, including the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), that active forest management can contribute towards emissions reduction. “Labor’s latest Green-tinged thought bubble isn’t backed by science and would lead to Australia importing more timber from overseas, increasing carbon emissions while harming our economy and environment. “The active management of our native forests improves fire management and pest control, and actually increases opportunities for carbon storage,” he said. “We support emerging carbon markets that encourage landowners to become forest growers and provide options for our public forest estate while maintaining the growth of our timber industry and on-island processing. “The question for Tasmanian Labor is how long can the hapless Dean Winter hold out against his left faction-controlled party machine.”
Categories: Forest Products Industry
Tas Forest Products also against Native Forest Management plan
The Tasmanian Forest Products Association (TFPA) has backed calls from the national peak forestry body for the Federal Government to withdraw support for the NSW Government’s proposed Improved Native Forest Management in Multiple-use Public Forests (INFM) method. Source: Timberbiz In a media statement, the Australian Forest Products Association (AFPA) CEO, Diana Hallam, said that there were serious questions over the validity and integrity of the INFM method proposed by the NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (NSW DCCEEW). The plan, which has received support from the Federal Government, proposes ending sustainable native forestry as part of a model for improving Australian Carbon Credit Units (ACCU) program. Despite being a plan by the NSW Government, to work it relies on sustainable native forestry to be ended across Australia. TFPA Chief Executive Officer, Nick Steel, said the model tries to force the Tasmanian Government to march in lockstep with the radical proposal by the NSW Government. “The model proposed by the NSW Government, and backed by the Federal Government, would see the end of sustainable native forestry in Tasmania” Mr Steel said. “Our industry has bipartisan support in Tasmania. But this looks like another case of a mainland state trying to impose its opinions onto our island. “This proposal also flies directly into the face of commitments to protect Tasmanian native forestry made by Anthony Albanese before the last federal election.” Before the federal poll in 2022, Mr Albanese wrote to Tasmanian timber workers promising “if I become Prime Minister, a Government I lead will not shut down the native forest industry in Tasmania”. “The industry welcomed the commitment from Mr Albanese in 2022. Tasmanians saw this as a pledge not to cut jobs in regional parts of our state,” Mr Steel said. “However, the Federal Government’s support of this new INFM model flies directly in the face of that promise. “We would welcome Mr Albanese publicly reiterating the promise he made to Tasmanian forestry workers in 2022, to continue to support our respected, responsible and renewable industry,” Mr Steel said.
Categories: Forest Products Industry
WoodSolutions’ updated timber framing campaign
WoodSolutions has launched an updated timber framing campaign with new assets and expanded digital push. The timber framing campaign is now live on the WoodSolutions website with updated resources and assets to boost adoption. Source: Timberbiz Managed by Forest & Wood Products Australia’s WoodSolutions program, the refreshed and updated page and campaign assets are available free to download by industry to support their timber framing promotional efforts. The decision to integrate the timber framing campaign under the management of the WoodSolutions program was made to strategically harness its expansive and reputable audience, along with its robust and growing database. This move aims to maximise the campaign’s reach and deepen engagement with key stakeholders across the industry, ensuring the messages resonate with a broad and influential audience. With tens of thousands of users each month, the WoodSolutions website is a powerful platform to promote the pro-timber framing messaging. The campaign will be supported with a boosted digital campaign that will target key decision makers in large residential building companies and inspire them to embrace the campaign and its co-branding customisation opportunities. The digital campaign will also engage with proud entrepreneurial tradespeople and share the promotional assets across their platforms and business promotion. The overall aim of these efforts is to support building a better business by promoting the use of renewable timber framing. As with everything that FWPA and WoodSolutions does, the rebranded creative assets are built on valuable insights gathered over the six years since the campaign’s launch. Key findings from research by the Timber Framing Collective include: Builders responses: More likely to rate sustainability credentials as important in their choice of materials compared to previous year (increase from 27% to 48%). The influencers to choose timber framing are: Flexibility if plans change Easy to renovate Renewable and responsibly sourced There is an increase in positive sentiment towards the timber industry (74% to 83%) and about how the timber industry impacts the environment (51% to 72%) Consumers say: Still rate sustainability credentials as an important part of the building process (59%) Most consumers would like their builder to provide materials that are good for the environ-ment. However, cost of materials is increasingly important in the decision-making process. Influences to choose timber framing are: Low cost Fast to assemble Environmentally Research indicates a strong interest in sustainable building materials among both consumers and builders, presenting our industry with an opportunity to share an impactful sustainability narrative. Specifically, builders favour proof points that highlight forestry replanting practices, alongside straightforward messages about the advantages of timber framing. We can effectively communicate through messages such as: “Choose renewable, sustainable timber framing,” “Certified sustainable timber framing is the responsible choice,” and “Your timber framed home stores carbon absorbed from the atmosphere during photosynthesis and helps address climate change.” It has been found that consumers respond positively to evidence related to sustainability and rejuvenation, particularly statements that are clear and informative such as: Timber framing is a natural way to remove greenhouse gases from the atmosphere. Trees grow for around 30 years before they are harvested, allowing them to capture substantial amounts of CO₂. Approximately half the dry weight of timber framing is carbon, which is stored for the life of the timber. People have negative perceptions about logging and deforestation and often think cutting down trees is a bad thing. However, when timber comes from a sustainably managed forest, it is one of the most renewable building materials available. In Australia, we replant over 70 million seedlings every year and our softwood plantations grow the amount of timber framing needed for an average home every two and a half minutes. Timber has the lowest embodied energy of all mainstream building materials. This means that the entire production process of timber framing from planting and harvesting to manufacturing, transportation, and installation uses the least amount of energy. And recent technologies and innovations are increasing yields from each log, decreasing waste, and reducing energy use further. New assets available for download include: A fact sheet which is a quick and easy conversation starter about renewable timber framing. A printable poster and pullup banner to promote your sustainable business practices at events. A flyer to share with clients to dive deeper into the sustainability benefits of choosing timber framing. A white labelled certificate to present your clients with recognition of choosing sustainable timber framing. And social media tiles to share across your channels to promote your business’ commitment to sustainability. Download these resources now at
Categories: Forest Products Industry
FWPA welcomes new board directors
The Australian Forest Products Association has welcomed new Forest and Wood Products Australia board directors – Matt Crapp, Dr Michelle Freeman and Cameron McDonald and thanks outgoing directors – Stephen Dadd, Nick Roberts and Yvonne Pengilly for their service and commitment to our sector’s national Research and Development Corporation. Source: Timberbiz The changes to the board were made at the FWPA annual general meeting. FWPA Chair Craig Taylor said the new directors would bring unique perspectives and similarly strong commitment to excellence as their outgoing colleagues Mr Taylor extended his appreciation and recognition to continuing board members Katie Fowden and Professor Tony Arnel, and to the entire FWPA team led by Andrew Leighton FWPA’s CEO. AFPA Chief Executive Officer Diana Hallam congratulated the new board members. “All three are well known to AFPA and we’re thrilled to see such high calibre people recruited to the FWPA Board. Matt already makes a valuable contribution on the AFPA Board, while Michelle has done an excellent job in recent times as Forestry Australia President, and Cameron has made a substantial contribution to AFPA and our Growers Chamber over several years,” she said. “I also thank our current AFPA Chair, Stephen Dadd for his dedication to serving FWPA for nine years, as well as Nick Roberts and Yvonne Pengilly. Chair Craig Taylor, Chief Executive Officer Andrew Leighton and the rest of the FWPA team deserve praise for their ongoing work and efforts in support of our sector. “FWPA performs vital work for Australia’s forest industries and it’s essential that passionate and qualified industry representatives are involved in the governance of the organisation. As we head into a Federal Election year particularly, AFPA looks forward to continuing our working relationship with FWPA for the betterment of our sector and the Australian economy,” Ms Hallam said.
Categories: Forest Products Industry