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Ponsse´s new solutions to improve productivity and profitability

Australian timber industry news - Mon, 08/07/2024 - 03:07
Ponsse is presenting new features to support forest machine operators’ daily work and to assist forestry entrepreneurs to follow up on the fleet’s profitability and productivity: the PONSSE Scale crane system, which manages load data during all working stages, and the PONSSE High-Precision Positioning solution, which helps the machine operator know the exact location of the machine and the harvester head. Source: Timberbiz Ponsse is the first forest machine manufacturer in the world to show a part of forest machine made of SSAB fossil-free steel. At its Vieremä factory the company has manufactured the Buffalo forwarder´s load space of SSAB fossil free steel. This is a material concept to invest in the workability, behaviour and characteristics of the new material used in forest machine manufacturing. The load space is designed only for material testing and does not correspond to production models. The material concept is part of the FORWARD27 ecosystem project. PONSSE Scale is a crane scale system that weighs, sorts, saves and manages load data during all working stages. The collected weighing data makes load handling routines easier. Precise weight measurements ensure an optimal load at all times. It features full weighing automation during both loading and unloading, with detailed load registration. Whether loads are grabbed in the middle or off-centre does not affect the weight result. Load details, load logbooks and measuring accuracy data are available in easy-to-read reports. PONSSE Scale has excellent weather resistance, with accurate results in both hot summer temperatures and winter’s sub-zero temperatures. PONSSE Scale can be installed in all PONSSE forwarder loader models. PONSSE High-Precision Positioning is a solution that helps the machine operator know the exact location of the machine and the harvester head. This enables the effectiveness of logging operations to be maintained, even in changing conditions. Utilising industry-leading navigation and location tools, as well as Ponsse’s own advanced technologies such as Active Crane, High-Precision Positioning can raise the reliability bar to a level conventional positioning systems often don’t reach. By defining the exact location of the harvester head and presenting it on a map view, High-Precision Positioning can significantly improve harvesting productivity. The solution clearly shows where the operator should harvest and the areas that should be avoided. Every stump location is saved in the production file, and the driving path the harvester creates is clearly visible to the forwarder.

UK timber industries launch manifesto for new Government

Australian timber industry news - Mon, 08/07/2024 - 03:06
A new manifesto from the timber industries calls for the next Government to unlock a wave of sustainable timber construction. Source: TTJ online Published by the Confederation of Timber Industries (CTI), an alliance of associations from across the UK timber supply chain including Timber Development UK, the manifesto outlines the quick policy wins which could help support the rapid growth of a low-carbon built environment. The timber industry in the UK contributes more than £10bn to the economy, is home to more than 51,000 businesses, and directly employs more than 300,000 people in green jobs. A few small policy changes could provide a pathway for rapid growth, according to the Timber in Construction Manifesto. “Over the past five years, there has been some incredible work by our colleagues from all of the built environment professions to lay the groundwork for a switch to more sustainable forms of construction,” says CTI Chair, Alex Goodfellow. “The construction industry is ahead of the regulation, with existing capacity and expertise to rapidly scale up low-carbon, high-quality, and safe use of timber in construction – as has long been recommended by the Climate Change Committee – within the right policy framework.” “With this manifesto we wanted to provide references for the next Government of the key policies – like Part Z, an amendment to the building regulations to include embodied carbon –which they could put in place in their first 100 days to get Britain building.” “The core policies we included, whether boosting sustainable construction, enabling retrofit, or scaling up housebuilding – are all independently conceived. They focus on providing a level playing field for businesses to compete to build homes, while ensuring the UK can meet its legal commitment to reduce carbon emissions.” The manifesto’s core policy recommendations are entirely material neutral, but the CTI believes in timber frame construction’s ability to compete. Other manifesto points include policy calls to support businesses in the timber industry and scale up tree planting, as well as sharing examples of how timber is prepared to provide solutions today. These includes long standing timber frame solutions, and approaches like Optoppen, adding timber floors to existing buildings, and new sustainable developments, like the Phoenix in Lewes, CTI is strongly encouraging the industry, and anyone interested in a sustainable future to contact their local MP and tell them about the manifesto. For more information visit: TTJ online https://www.ttjonline.com/

Felling in Sweden down by 6%

Australian timber industry news - Mon, 08/07/2024 - 03:06
Felling in Swedish forests decreased by 6% in 2023 to just under 90 million cubic meters, according to the Norwegian Forestry Agency’s preliminary statistics. Harvesting has not been this low in seven years and thus the upward trend of recent years was also broken. Source: Timberbiz According to the Forestry Agency’s preliminary statistics, the gross felling in 2023 amounted to 89.6 million cubic meters (cubic meters of forest), to be compared with 2022 when felling landed at 95.0 million cubic meters. The reason for the reduction is mainly a reduced demand in the wood-consuming industry, especially in the sawmill industry. The reduced production in the sawmills meant that the felling of sawn timber decreased by 10% in 2023, according to Jonas Paulsson, statistician at the Norwegian Forestry Agency. In the years 2021 and 2022, record fellings were noted, if you ignore 2005 and 2007 when fellings were very high due to the storms Gudrun and Per. The trend with high felling levels was thus broken in 2023 with a reduced felling. The reduction was so great that you need to go back to 2016 to find a lower level. The reduction was noticeable in all parts of the country. In Norra Norrland and Södra Norrland felling fell by 7%, in Svealand by 6% and in Götaland by 5%. Most of it was harvested in Västra Götaland County. There, felling in 2023 was 8.2 million cubic meters, which was 9 percent of the total felling in the country. Felling was also large in Värmland County, where 8.0 million cubic meters were felled. Barely 2% of Swedish felling was exported in 2023. Exports decreased in 2023, from 2.0 million cubic meters in 2022 to a preliminary 1.3 million cubic meters in 2023. In 2023, imports of roundwood amounted to a preliminary 7.3 million cubic meters, which is around 0, 8 million cubic meters more than the year before. Spruce makes up more than half of the felled volume, pine a third and hardwoods around a tenth. About 68% of the felled volume comes from final felling, 22% from thinning and the rest from other felling. The average final felling for fellings larger than 0.5 hectares amounted to 3.6 hectares in 2022. The size of the final harvests was on average more than twice as large in Norra Norrland (5.6 hectares) as in Götaland (2.5 hectares). The average area in final felling for individual forest owners is approximately 40% smaller than that of other forest owners.

Dr Warren Parker NZ Primary Industries Champion

Australian timber industry news - Mon, 08/07/2024 - 03:05
The late Dr Warren Parker was recognised for his lifetime of dedication to the primary sector with the New Zealand Primary Industries Champion Award. The award entry was submitted by Pāmu Farms of New Zealand in collaboration with stalwarts of the industry who had worked with Dr Parker over the years. Source: Timberbiz His entry was facilitated by Rob Hewett, Chair of Farmlands; Andrew MacPherson, Chair of Focus Genetics; Tim Payn, Scion Research; Richard Gordon, then CE of Manaaki Whenua; Robert Anderson, Massey University; and others. The highly respected Dr Warren Parker was the Chair of Pāmu until his sudden passing in December 2023. Mark Leslie, CEO of Pāmu, said that Dr Parker was held in high esteem across the sector, government, and education. “Warren knew the primary industries at all levels,” said Mr Leslie. “He was a unique individual who encouraged others and worked hard on many things important to New Zealand agriculture – often the difficult tasks but also the right ones. He exemplified the Pāmu values of grounded, bold, shoulder-to-shoulder, and genuine. Dr Parker’s agricultural knowledge has been described as encyclopaedic. A particular strength was his understanding of and views on carbon and emissions. Of immense benefit to the boards he chaired, he could distil complex issues into simple, easily digested chunks of relevant information and make a convincing argument. “Warren had a passion for leaving the environment better for future generations and sharing his knowledge and wisdom through mentoring. We would talk about the fact that Pāmu was able to trial ideas to solve agricultural challenges, striving towards a greater vision for Aotearoa, and then share the learnings with neighbours and industry with warmth and humility. It spoke to the person Warren was,” Mr Leslie said. Mr Leslie said Dr Parker could relate to anyone. He would sit and chat with a farm manager over a cup of tea in their kitchen, while also advising the highest levels of primary sector governance. Mr Leslie said his warmth and kindness also shone through when Cyclone Gabrielle hit, seriously impacting several Pāmu farms on the East Coast. Warren held many positions of influence over the years including former chief executive of Scion (Forest Research Institute) and Manaaki Whenua – Land Care Research, and previously chief operating officer of AgResearch. He held board roles on Genomics Aotearoa, Farmlands Co-operative Society, Predator Free 2050. He was chair of the Forestry Ministerial Advisory Group, the NZ Conservation Authority, and recently appointed independent chair of Quayside Holdings. Warren held a PhD in animal science and was previously a professor of Agribusiness and Resource Management at Massey University, where he spent 18 years in various roles including supervising the 9000 SU Riverside Farm in Wairarapa. With this award, Warren is remembered for his natural leadership, insightful brilliance, candour, conversations on-farm, and kindness.

Not the archetypal art gallery in Collingwood, Melbourne

Australian timber industry news - Mon, 08/07/2024 - 03:04
The archetypal art gallery, with expanses of white, square set walls may often feel somewhat institutional, rather than inclusive and cultural. This was precisely the type of experience that renowned gallery owner James Makin wanted to avoid when he opened his new exhibition space in Islington Street in Collingwood, Melbourne. Source: Timberbiz, images Michael Pham The brief to architect Tristan Wong was for a space that challenged the seriousness and sterility of the gallery stereotype. Makin wanted to provide customers with the chance to explore and discover art in an environment which was both inviting and intriguing. Wong’s design is a counterpoint to art gallery conventions, using blackened and curved timber to create a space that is dramatic, textural and tactile. Entering through a sliding, black stained hardwood door, visitors are guided past a 4.5-metre-high curved timber wall that narrows at its end providing a glimpse of the artwork beyond. Coves and recesses that house some works facilitate a gradual discovery of the main space towards the back of the gallery. The timber selected for the project is thermally modified American ash (CAMBIA), stained black and wire-brushed to emphasise the distinctive grain. CAMBIA was chosen for its stability, aesthetic qualities, and strong sustainability profile. As Wong explains, “James’ brother Hugh is an established furniture designer and maker who had personal experience of thermally modified timbers. Following a discussion with him, we selected CAMBIA. We wanted something with a strong grain, that aligned with our sustainability objectives for the project and, importantly that would be dimensionally stable over time” The stability of CAMBIA was an important consideration, as artworks will occasionally be hung directly on the timber wall. To facilitate this without damaging the wood, the boards have been installed with purposeful 4mm shadow gaps. This allows screws to be inserted between the boards without damage. “This way the screw goes into the backing piece and there are no visible holes. It also provides a purposeful staggered aesthetic of 3 different board widths with the shadow line between,” notes Wong. Another key factor in material selection was the biophilic qualities of the timber. Wong states, “Timber was a material we used to soften the experience aesthetically – there is that unconscious response to natural materials including timber that is relaxing”. The warmth and character of the wire-brushed thermally modified American ash, even when stained black, provides a sensory richness in contrast to standard white gallery walls. The amplified timber grain is almost topographical in effect. Sustainability was also front of mind, with Wong seeking to retain and reuse elements of the existing warehouse where possible. The old translucent corrugated roof was relined internally to let in diffused natural light, meaning almost no artificial lighting is required during the day. Low energy LEDs provide supplementary lighting when needed. In addition to astute material choices, Wong restructured the typical gallery layout to enhance the social aspects of viewing art. The oversized reception desk morphs into a bar area, while a concealed viewing room, accessed through an enormous pivoting door, creates a space for quiet contemplation. As Wong explains, “There are often aspects to a gallery that are left to the end and shoved in a corner… bathrooms, reception, bar, prep area, viewing room, storage. We wanted to rethink that and actually brought a lot of it to the front. It’s all wrapped up in that main towering blackened timber wall, challenging not just the visual experience but also the programmatic arrangement.” The result is a gallery that feels welcoming and inclusive, enticing visitors to engage with art in a multi-sensory way. “We wanted to structure the spaces so that they are permanent and interesting even when not occupied,” says Wong. The curved CAMBIA wall and integrated joinery elements create a dynamic spatial experience compels visitors to explore the crafted, textural spaces and discover art in a personal and unhurried manner. The James Makin Gallery provides an intriguing model for reimagining the art gallery experience. Through unconventional use of materials such as the thermally modified American ash and a reconfiguration of the typical gallery layout, Wong has created a space that challenges conventions and invites engagement.

Town and city bushfire disaster review, case studies and lessons

Australian timber industry news - Mon, 08/07/2024 - 03:02
John O’Donnell considers that large numbers of Australian towns and cities are inadequately prepared for bushfires, and this is one of the reasons for undertaking this review. Source: Timberbiz, John O’Donnell Readers can assess bushfire preparation in relation to their own and other towns/ cities and assess if bushfire preparation is well managed, has improved after earlier bushfires and if it has improved since the 2019/ 20 bushfires. The full document titled Town and city bushfire disaster review, case studies and lessons across Australia is linked here. Town bushfire disaster review and lessons O’Donnell 2024 Nineteen Australian town and city impact and disaster bushfire case studies are highlighted in Section 2 of the review.  These outline bushfire information in relation to each of the selected bushfires, and in most cases bushfire lessons and insights. These case studies are from Victoria 5, NSW 4, SA 3, WA 3, Tas 1, ACT 1, Australia 1 and a combined Vic/ SA case study, a broad representation of town and city disasters across most of Australia. Seven older case studies are included in the bushfire disaster assessment from 1851 to 1967, it is important to note that town and city bushfire disasters are not just a recent phenomenon and have occurred since European settlement and the curtailment of Aboriginal burning practices. The other twelve case studies range from 1983 to 2021. Inadequate bushfire preparedness and mitigation has resulted in the continuation of large intense bushfires across SE Australia, including impacts on towns and cities, and are often associated with long fire runs. Another issue that greatly concerns the author is that Australia has never really fully nor effectively captured and locked in many of the key lessons in relation to avoiding and reducing town and city bushfire disasters across these communities on an ongoing basis. A major focus of Section 3 of the review is capturing key bushfire disaster lessons and insights in relation to town and city bushfire disaster avoidance, sound fire and fuel mitigation, fuel management, preparedness for bushfires, community and firefighter safety, infrastructure protection, firefighting attack and a range of other lessons from case studies over the last 170 years. Twenty-two lesson and insight broad areas are outlined, and include a considerable number of lessons and insights, 127 in all. The analysis was detailed and assessed the case study lessons in Section 2 and also a large number of bushfire disaster documentation, as outlined at the start of Section 3. If we don’t improve actioning in regards to capturing and implementing bushfire lessons and insights, there will continue to be large scale impacts on communities, community members, infrastructure, fire fighters, forestry plantations, forests, the environment and massive economic impacts. There appear to be a lot of opportunities for the forestry/ plantation sector to be involved in alliances  improving community and forest/ plantation preparedness for bushfires, including the following opportunities: Bushfire preparedness Improve community, forestry and infrastructure preparedness for bushfires using alliancing opportunities. Optimise regular landscape prescribed burning which makes bushfire suppression easier, safer and cheaper and also reduces bushfire losses, human, built and environmental. Utilise opportunities for upskilling and fire mitigation training for bushfires using coordinated prescribed burning programs to develop fire skills. Ensure fire safe establishment of track/ trail networks to access areas for prescribed burning and bushfire fighting. Ensure tracks/ trails are permanent and suitable for the movement of heavy vehicles and personnel safely and quickly. Optimise regular burning programs in the forest areas where the tracks are located in order to optimize firefighter safety. Collaboration in fire management Increase bushfire collaboration between public and private sectors, including and local and state governments, landholders and the forestry sector. Improved bushfire detection and communication Optimise improved bushfire detection over broad areas. Establish efficient and innovative systems to quickly detect, locate, report and geo-reference new and incipient fires for quick coordinated initial attack. Camera and satellite systems have advantages but fire towers can cover large areas. Optimise communication systems to best handle communication in bushfire events, reducing bushfire safety risks. Cooperatively address increasing bushfire disaster and disaster insurance costs Urgently address high and rising bushfire disaster insurance costs via increased mitigation funding/ opportunities, this can be optimised in collaborative approaches. Cooperative approaches for funding submissions Cooperative approaches may improve opportunities for broader projects to reduce bushfire risks and may increase success of funding. A greater range of skillsets are valuable in seeking funding. Cooperative bushfire risk reduction measures Utilise bushfire path mapping is available for all towns, cities and local government areas. Increase district/ community/ town/ city awareness of previous bushfire travel paths over the last 80 plus years and authorise local town/ city bushfire plan members to progress this in relation to preparedness and mitigation and optimise escape routes. Ensure mapping of all major sources of firebrands such as eucalypt/ other species with loose bark that increase the risk of fire brand storms over communities and landscapes and manage these areas for firebrand fuel. Understand that firebrands can travel up to 35 km and map where major firebrand forests are located in bushfire suppression planning. Lead the way and refine the focus from a bushfire suppression focus to an effective mitigation and suppression focus. A Menzies Research Centre (2020) report noted that in 2014, a report released by the Productivity Commission into Natural Disaster Funding Arrangements found that government natural disaster funding arrangements had been inefficient, inequitable and unsustainable and noted mitigation funding amounted to only three per cent of what is spent on post-disaster recovery. Continue to refine quick first attack techniques and approaches, noting this could be optimised in collaborative approaches. Ensure dozers and plant are on the bushfire fire grounds quickly, as required. Utilise airports, roads and fire trails for bushfire mitigation and suppression and wherever possible ensure safe for vehicle passing and turning. Cooperative prescribed burning, fuel reduction and forest health measures across landscapes Increase rates of cooperative prescribed burning across landscapes and utilization of low intensity burns every 3-6 years, where approved, hopefully under 10 […]

Ikea growing its New Zealand forestry portfolio

Australian timber industry news - Mon, 08/07/2024 - 03:00
While shoppers eagerly await IKEA opening its first New Zealand store, its parent company continues to grow its forestry portfolio in the country. Source: RNZ The Swedish furniture giant has begun construction of its Auckland store which is due to open in late 2025. Since August 2021, its parent company Ingka Investments has been buying farmland, to convert to forestry, and existing forestry blocks around New Zealand as part of IKEA’s sustainability strategy. Data from the Overseas Investment Office shows Ingka Investments has been given approval for 25 sales in New Zealand which cover 23,495 hectares, while one application is awaiting a decision. Existing forestry blocks cover 4290 hectares while 19,205 hectares of farmland had been bought to turn into rotational pine forests. On its website it said it’s buying land in New Zealand, the US, Romania and Baltic states was part of its long-term commitment to responsible forest management. “Wood is an essential part of the IKEA identity. We invest in forestland because we believe we can play an important role in supplying wood from more sustainable sources for our everyday lives.” Some of the more prominent sales include Huiarua Station and Matanui Station in the Gisborne region with a combined area of just over 6000 hectares. Ingka Investments paid NZ$88 million for the two farms which were being planted into rotational forestry through until 2026. An Ingka Investments spokesperson said while the company did not have a specific land acquisition target, it did intend to make further investments. “We are committed to being in Aotearoa New Zealand for many years and are taking a long-term approach to our planning. “Our goal is to protect and support forest resources for generations to come, we want to create long-term employment opportunities, support local biodiversity through the protected parts of our forests, and help to sequester GHGs through the growth of our trees and through the soil of the protected parts of our forests.” The company said it had a small management team based in Tauranga that oversees all Ingka Investments properties, and it also worked with forest management companies Forest 360, Logic Forest Solutions, IFS Growth, and Southern Forests. “Our general approach is to invest in areas of resilience and sustainability that also offer returns. These are long-term investments spanning across decades in a material that is a significant part of the IKEA identity. In Aotearoa New Zealand, we have invested in both afforestation projects and existing forestland. “However, we do not participate in any type of carbon farming. We do not intend to sell carbon credits as part of our routine business practices, and we are not currently engaged in carbon offsetting. We are proud that our forests can be part of the solution to climate change but using them as a source for other companies to offset their carbon emissions is not why we have forests, Ingka Investments said.


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by Dr. Radut