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August 2010

Issue date: 
Aug. 16, 2010

Real Wood Floors: Going Green Can Be a Work of Art

ST. LOUIS, Mo., Aug. 16 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- There is no doubt that solid strip oak floors are still the overwhelming preference for most homeowners in the United States, and the reason is clear. Wood floors offer the most environmentally friendly flooring option available on the market. But wood floors are much more than just another green product; they also can be beautiful works of art.

Issue date: 
16 August 2010

Omsk to develop bio-energy

Ministry of Industry of the Omsk region is to produce bio fuel from lignum fossil and woodworking wastes. The project is to be realized in cooperation with LLC Proryv-Invest.

Issue date: 
16 August 2010

Australia mulls foreign-linked carbon offset scheme

The Australian government is proposing to allow foresters and farmers to create carbon offset credits for international sale into foreign emissions trading markets. Prime Minister Julia Gillard launched the policy on the weekend, part of campaigning ahead of a federal election on August 21.

Issue date: 
August 12, 2010

Logged forests retain considerable biodiversity in Borneo providing conservation opportunity

A new study in the Proceedings of the Royal Society B finds that forests which have undergone logging in the past, sometimes even twice, retain significant levels of biodiversity in Borneo. The researchers say these findings should push conservationists to protect more logged forests from being converted into oil palm plantations where biodiversity levels drop considerably and endangered species are almost wholly absent. Given that much of Borneo's forests have been logged as least once, these long-dismissed forests could become a new frontier for conservationists.

Issue date: 

Ministry wants money for planting trees

Indonesia hopes to renegotiate its US$1 billion deal with Norway on reducing carbon emissions by curbing deforestation, hoping Norway will accept tree planting as an eligible part of the program.

“We hope REDD+ activities could be applied in the Indonesia-Norway climate deal,” Hadi Daryanto, director general of forest production at the Forestry Ministry, told The Jakarta Post Saturday.

Issue date: 
August 2010

An interesting letter written by Tom Vilsack, Secretary of Agriculture

I want to thank Avoided Deforestation Partners for holding this event and inviting me to join all of the distinguished speakers here today in urging the adoption of REDD plus as part of a gl

Issue date: 
August 15, 2010

Ancient fertilizer biochar joins modern fight against greenhouse gases

What do bone fragments, cow patties and banana peels have in common? They all help gardens grow.

Issue date: 
August 16th 2010

Why isn't Australia keen on 'woody biomass'

The former Rudd Government's Emissions Trading Scheme has been all but swept under the carpet, with neither Julia Gillard's government or the Opposition committing to such a scheme.

If or when the idea of a carbon tax returns to Australian politics, there's one form of renewable energy that many in Australia's forestry industry want government to consider.

Issue date: 

FG to Fast-track Green Energy Devt Policy

The Minister of Environment, Mr. John Odey, has said that the Federal Government is fast- tracking the implementation of sound policies to promote the development of green energy projects.

Issue date: 
August 14th, 2010

GEF Africa sustainable forestry fund.

British development finance institution, CDC (www.cdcgroup.com) has committed US$50 million to the GEF Africa Sustainable Forestry Fund (GASFF), the first private equity fund to focus solely on sustainable forestry in sub-Saharan Africa. The fund is to be run by the investment team of Global Environment Fund (GEF) which has a long history of investing in sectors that make a positive impact on the environment and quality of life.


by Dr. Radut