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October 2010

Issue date: 
4 October 2010

REDD+ Partnership Feels the Heat as Climate-Change Talks Begin in Tianjin

4 October 2010 | Negotiators from all 194 Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) are meeting this week in Tianjin, China.  It's the last major meeting before year-end talks in Cancun, and officially they're trying to iron out technical i

Issue date: 
October 1, 2010

Japan: Learning about REDD+

The REDD+ Seminar was held on July 27, 2010, jointly with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA), Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF), Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (ME

Issue date: 
7 October 2010

“Stock-taking meeting” midway through Tianjin shows divergence of views on process and outcome for Cancun

Tianjin, October 7 (Meena Raman) – At the UNFCCC climate talks in Tianjin, a “stock-taking” meeting was held on October 6 which revealed divergent views among several Parties on what the outcome of the forthcoming Cancun conference should be and how the process should move forward from Tianji

Issue date: 

Belize’s forests vanishing!

We’ve heard recently of the use of satellite imagery in petroleum exploration work in Belize. Local and global observation systems are now being advanced that would allow people around the globe to collect and share data, as easily as one browses the Internet.
Issue date: 
October 6th, 2010

REDD: A Guide for Landowners and Forest Communities in the Pacific

Issue date: 
October 9, 2010

China's timber consumption expected to increase

According to Zhang Jianlong, deputy administrator of the State Forestry Administration, China's total timber consumption will increase from 457 million cu. m in 2009 to 477 million cu. m for 2010, and the demand for timber imports for domestic consumption will grow from 100 million cu.

Issue date: 
Oct 9, 2010

U.S. is not happy with BC's underpriced lumber exports

The United States has requested consultation with Canada under the Softwood Lumber Agreement. At issue is the apparent unfair under-pricing of timber harvested from public lands in the Interior region of British Columbia.

Issue date: 
7 October 2010

Rich nations 'slow to start climate aid flow'

Rich countries have been slow to launch the "fast start" climate funds promised at Copenhagen, the world's least developed

Issue date: 
Okt. 8, 2010

India - The next big log market?


Issue date: 
September, 2010

Sweden: log and wood chip prices have increased substantially the past 12 months

Seattle, USA. September, 2010. Despite slower lumber export sales, sawlog prices in Sweden continued upward in the 2Q, reaching their highest levels on record in local currency.


by Dr. Radut