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March 2011

Issue date: 
7th March 2011

Guyana sees a 300% increase in deforestation despite landmark deal to protect its forests

Guyana has seen deforestation rates soar over the last year, despite the signing of an agreement with the Norwegian government aimed precisely at supporting a reduction in deforestation rates, said Global Witness today.   

Issue date: 
25 February 2011

FCPF Releases First LAC Newsletter

25 February 2011: The Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF) has published the first issue of an e-newsletter on FCPF activities in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC).

Issue date: 
February 17, 2011

Australia can meet carbon targets by land offsets: report

A new report on Thursday said Australia can meet its carbon emissions target by doing nothing more than claiming offsets from re-vegetation of cleared land, regional forest agreements and ending logging of native forests.

Australia has set its target of a 5 percent cut in carbon emissions by 2020, and the study said the federal government has deliberately underestimated these land offsets to justify a weak target in international negotiations.

Issue date: 
22nd February, 2011

WWF calls for 'scaling up' of beef production to combat deforestation in Brazil

In an interview with the Ecologist, WWF Brazil CEO Denise Hamu says increasing productivity can help combat deforestation in the Amazon

More intensive beef production can limit deforestation in Brazil where the space used to rear cattle is ten times what you see in other countries, according to WWF Brazil CEO Denise Hamu.

Issue date: 
February 16, 2011

UP study on logging ban bared

MANILA, Philippines – A total logging ban would only worsen the rate of deforestation of the country's meager forest cover.

Issue date: 
02 March 2011

The Delegation of the holding company «Altayles» to participate in «WoodMac China 2011»

Issue date: 
02 March 2011

The international project in timber industry complex will be implemented in the Republic of Buryatia

Issue date: 
March 2nd, 2011

Alberta’s forest products shipments went up 25% from 2009 to 2010

Total shipments of lumber, panelboard, pulp and paper manufactured by Alberta Forest Products Association-member companies for 2010 were up substantially over the previous year. Shipments increased from approximately $1.9 billion to $2.3 billion.

Issue date: 
March 2, 2011

More Than 20 Years of Forest Carbon Yield Plenty of Lessons for Investors

Issue date: 
March 1, 2011

Climate change highlights need for women to take greater role in forest management


by Dr. Radut