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August 2011

Issue date: 
June 29, 2011

Maathai calls for action on climate change

"Climate change does not affect everyone equally," says Wangari Maathai, who won her Nobel Peace Prize in 2004 for her work linking the environment, peace and sustainable development, while promoting democracy in Kenya.  "Here in Africa, we are paying a high price for a rapidly changing climate - more droughts, food crises and it is set only to get worse.  We can see how climate change is already aggravating the competition for resources and the economic stability all over this continent."

Issue date: 
01 Aug 2011

Zanzibar's preparations for carbon trade helping poor

KITOGANI, Tanzania (AlertNet) – Are Zanzibar’s preparations to participate in carbon trading reaping benefits for the poor? Just ask Zanzibar’s Fatuma Mchezo.

Issue date: 
15 July 2011

Sir James Mitchell brings sustainable forestry investors to President Jagdeo

Former St Vincent and the Grenadines Prime Minister Sir James Mitchell renewed his acquaintance with President Bharrat Jagdeo during a courtesy visit today. He was accompanied by a team of investors in sustainable forestry, interested in Guyana. The team from the F.T.I Timber Growth Fund Limited, a European based company operating in the Roraima state of Brazil included, Board Chairman Marcus Valentine and Operations Consultant John Edwards among others.

Issue date: 

Financing sustainable forest management: How to finance sustainable forest management to avoid deforestation and forest degradation

Despite the adoption of many international agreements over the last decades, degradation of forests and deforestation has continued.

Issue date: 
12 Jul 2011

More arguments against REDD …

Countries where the majority of tropical forests are located and targeted by the REDD scheme [Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation] are in a condition described as “fragile”.

Issue date: 
July 15, 2011

KTS Plantation awarded outstanding forest management

OTA KINABALU: KTS Plantation Sdn Bhd was awarded the Certificate of Compliance by the Sabah Forestry Department (SFD) for its outstanding performance in forest management, yesterday.

Issue date: 
20 July 2011

Clean cook stoves promote sustainability of local resources

Clean cook stoves are helping to decrease the use of fuel wood and promote the sustainability of local resources. These stoves use 50 to 70 percent less fuel, usually in the form of wood or charcoal, the primary sources of energy for many impoverished people in the world.

Issue date: 

Forest tenure in Africa and south and southeast Asia: Implications for sustainable forest management and poverty alleviation

Based on recent studies conducted by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) on forest tenure systems in Asia and Africa, the paper presents an overview of the present situation, characterized by the predominance of public forests under the direct control and management

Issue date: 

PROPARCO supports sustainable forest management in Africa

Issue date: 
July 24, 2011

A Slow Start for the for Carbon Credit Market

WASHINGTON — As U.N. talks keep failing to agree how to raise money to protect forests, private investors are testing a trade in credits to slow the deforestation that emits as much carbon as all the world’s cars, ships, trucks and planes.


by Dr. Radut