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Issue date: 
Apr 14, 2011

ANDRITZ to Deliver Biomass Boiler for Iggesund Paperboard, UK

UK, Apr 14, 2011 - International technology Group ANDRITZ has received an order from Holmen AB’s subsidiary Iggesund Paperboard Ltd. to deliver a biomass boiler island for Iggesund Paperboard (Workington) Ltd. in Cumbria, United Kingdom. Commissioning and start-up of the boiler are scheduled for April 2013.

Issue date: 
April 1st, 2011

World’s biggest biomass plant plan approved

TILBURY could soon be home to the world’s largest biomass plant after its power station got permission to start vital works.reports the UK’s Thurrock Gazette.

Issue date: 
March 19, 2011

REDD Danger

Issue date: 
06 March 2011

Timber prices up as power plants boost biomass use

Government subsidies to encourage power companies to burn wood are distorting the market for timber and forcing up prices in manufacturing and construction industries, Channel 4 News has learned.

Issue date: 
01 March 2011

UK to devise standalone carbon permit system

London – The UK said it will opt out of a common European Union platform for auctioning carbon permits in the next phase of the bloc's emissions-trading programme, which starts in 2013, and will develop a national system instead.

Issue date: 
27 February 2011

UK 'to end direct aid to 16 countries'

The UK is to stop direct aid to 16 countries, including Russia, China and Iraq, papers seen by the BBC suggest.

Issue date: 
February 16, 2011

UK pledges support for Nigeria’s environmental programmes

The British government will support Nigeria’s effort to manage her environment through reduction of carbon emission, Henry Bellingham, British minister for Africa and the United Nations, said yesterday in Abuja.

Issue date: 
16 February 2011

What wood you do to stop this?

The government's announcement that it is postponing the sale of 15 per cent of the Forestry Commission estate, in order to review the site-by-site criteria for disposal is a first victory in the massive grass-roots anti-privatisation campaign.

Issue date: 
27 October 2010

Defra commits £100 million international forestry funding up to 2015

The Government has today committed £100 million to international forestry projects which provide specific benefits for biodiversity.

The money comes from the new international climate finance included in the Comprehensive Spending Review, which will include new money for the UK’s contribution to REDD+ (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation), a programme which aims to prevent the loss of forests in developing countries.

Issue date: 
17 February 2011

The future of forestry in England

The consultation on the future management of the Public Forest Estate has been halted and all forestry clauses in the Public Bodies Bill will be removed, Environment Secretary Caroline Spelman confirmed today.


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by Dr. Radut