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Issue date: 
9 June 2011

Germany's Withdrawal of Funding Threatens Plan to Save Ecuador Forest


Issue date: 
Mar 29, 2011

Trees on Shaky Ground in Texaco’s Rainforest

NUEVA LOJA, Ecuador, Mar 29, 2011 (Tierramérica) - When the trunks of the trees move with every step you take, you know you are in a swamp. This is what happens when you walk over the seemingly firm and vegetation-covered ground over what was once a pit used to dump oil sludge in the Ecuadorian Amazon rainforest.

The extent and impact of oil contamination on the environment and human health in northeastern Ecuador are much worse than anyone could imagine, as Tierramérica discovered during an extensive tour of the area.

Issue date: 
8 August 2010

The world's first really green oil deal

The world's first genuinely green energy deal is about to be sealed. In a plan which could be a blueprint for saving large tracts of the planet from exploitation, a greater value is being put on a pristine wilderness than on the oil that lies beneath.

Issue date: 
September 4, 2009

Germany to pay $ 650 million in order to protect Rainforests in Ecuador

Germany has apparently agreed to fund a significant portion of Ecuador's scheme to leave Amazon rainforest oil reserves in the ground, according to Business Green.


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by Dr. Radut