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overseas shipping

BASELINE STUDY 1, CHINA: Overview of Forest Governance, Markets and Trade

As part of FLEGT Asia’s information collection role, a number of forest governance, markets and trade Baseline Studies have been carried out in the region. This study is done for China.

Timber Trade Flow Maps of China and the Mekong Region

This report provides a number of illustrated maps giving an overview of the timber trade flows in Cambodia, China, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, and Vietnam and their respective trading partners. The maps provide information on the import and export in value as well as volume (RWE).

Issue date: 
Jul 18, 2011

Supply, demand, logistics and pricing of pulpwood and biomass will be the focus at the 5th International Woodfibre Resource and Trade Conference in Singapore

Seattle, USA, Jul 18, 2011 - Global demand for wood fiber for both pulp manufacturing and renewable energy increased during 2010 and 2011.Worldwide trade of wood chips in 2010 was up 24 percent because of increased production of pulp and paper products worldwide; China showed the greatest growth in chip imports, with an increase over 400 percent in the past two years. Australia continues to be the major wood chip exporter, and shipped 11 percent more in 2010 than 2009.

Issue date: 
Jul 20, 2011

Proposed Amendment of the Sulphur Directive Would Weaken the Competitiveness of the Finnish forest industry

Finland, Jul 20, 2011 - The EU Commission has published its proposed amendment to the Sulphur Directive, which would lead to the maximum sulphur content of maritime fuels being lowered to 0.1% on the Baltic Sea by the beginning of 2015.

Issue date: 
July 08, 2011

Final report of the EUTR Support Study available now

The final report of the “Support study for development of the non-legislative acts provided for in the Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council laying down the obligations of operators who place timber and timber products on the market” (referred often as EUTR Support Study) is av

Issue date: 
June 24th, 2011

North America supply a risk to NZ

Issue date: 
June 12, 2011

Invisible exports – timber logs to Jamaica unrecorded by the Guyana Forestry Commission

Dear Editor,
Jamaican Customs opened a shipping container in mid-March and discovered 122kg of cocaine in bags with a consignment of 130 logs. The Guyana Forestry Commission admitted knowledge of this shipment,
apparently associated with a State Forest Permission assigned to Aroaima Forest Producers Association but actually operated by a Chinese national.

Issue date: 
April 18, 2011

Chip and ship - keeping mills supplied whatever the weather

BRUSSELS, April 18, 2011 (RISI) - Raw material supply security is always a major concern for pulp and paper companies. It is one of the driving forces of the industry and a company's raw material procurement plan can often make the difference between success and failure.

Issue date: 
March 22nd, 2011

Log shortage halts work for many in British Columbia

Arnold Bercov, president of the Pulp, Paper and Woodworkers of Canada Local 8, is very concerned that shipping raw logs out of British Columbia is coming at a cost to many local mills.

Issue date: 
October 25, 2010

China: Forest Industry will expand - wood imports

The forest industry in China is continuing its expansion, and with limited domestic timber resources, importation of logs and wood chips are at an all-time high, especially as tight supply of domestic logs has increased local log prices to new highs.


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by Dr. Radut