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Nachhaltige Forstwirtschaft

Issue date: 
Apr 28, 2011

Oslo urges more forest aid despite corruption risk

Issue date: 
April 27th, 2011

China’s Imports Soar in 2010 - led by Logs (+22%) and Lumber (+49%)

Issue date: 
April 27th, 2011

Speed construction demonstrated in Beijing

Three storeys, nine apartment units, 8,352 sq. feet and in just 60 hours. Green Home Canada was built at the Beijing International Convention Centre between 24 March 24 and the evening of 27 March to demonstrate the speed, ease and environmental benefits of modular wood construction at the Beijing Green Building Show.

Issue date: 
21 Apr 2011

Nearly Half of Amazon Is Protected But Vulnerable

Issue date: 
April 22, 2011

USAID Administrator Shah Commemorates Earth Day

Washington, DCDr. Rajiv Shah, Administrator of the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), released the following statement on the occasion of Earth Day.

Issue date: 
April 19, 2011

How is REDD+ unfolding in southern Africa’s dry forests?

Issue date: 

Developing Countries to Sign Treaty on Deforestation

Issue date: 

Amerindians to get Low Carbon-generated cash in July

Village grants to Amerindian communities from Norway’s payment to Guyana for forest carbon services will be handed out to Amerindian chiefs in July, according to President Bharrat Jagdeo.

Issue date: 
18 April 2011

Why the International Day of Peasants' Struggles is important

Issue date: 
April 19, 2011

54 hinterland communities granted permission to log

Government yesterday insisted that the forest deal with Norway for US$250M is a good one. It added that the criticisms of the role of McKinsey and Company are totally unfounded.


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by Dr. Radut