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Nachhaltige Waldwirtschaft

Issue date: 
June 22, 2011

How Manomet Got It Backwards: Challenging the ‘Debt-Then-Dividend’ Axiom

Wood-to-energy from sustainably managed forests can provide net-zero carbon emission or even positive carbon sequestration if the woody biomass stock is not depleted or grows over time.

Issue date: 
June 28, 2011

Delaware environment: Seeing trees as sustainable

he Great Cypress Swamp once covered as much as 60,000 acres in Delaware and nearby Maryland.

Today the great swamp totals about 12,000 acres.

But even at its diminished size, it remains among the largest contiguous forests left on the Delmarva Peninsula.

Issue date: 
June 20, 2011

CEPF called for political commitment to Sustainable Forest Management (.eu)

Issue date: 
15 June 2011

Ministers back binding European forest agreement

Ministers have agreed to back plans to introduce a legally binding agreement to protect Europe's forests.

Delegates also agreed to adopt resolutions that would help shape forest policy over the next decade.

Issue date: 
09 June 2011

Rainforest Alliance and Kingfisher working together to support sustainable forestry

Issue date: 
Jun 29, 2011

WWF and Kimberly-Clark Corporation Announce New Global Commitment to Responsible Forestry

Issue date: 
June 28, 2011

Nurturing forests through conservation

The provision of livelihood opportunities, alternate energy and removal of a ban on harvesting trees are necessary for sustainable forest management. This was said at a conference on ‘Sustainable Forest Management’, organised by Sustainable Development Policy Institute (SDPI) here on Monday.

Issue date: 
Jun 20, 2011

Integrating agriculture and forestry in the landscape is key to REDD

Issue date: 
20 June 2011

2011 Cif Partnership Forum - African Countries Are Ready for Cif Investments (AfDB)

Issue date: 
21 June 2011

Environmentalists to Be Trained in Forest Monitoring

Rwandan forest monitoring specialists are set to undergo training in modern techniques to help them implement and improve national forest monitoring programs.


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by Dr. Radut