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Sustainable forest management

Issue date: 
8 June 2011

Sustainable management of tropical forests has a long way to go

Issue date: 
10 June 2011

Turning the tide on desertification in Africa

10 June 2011, Rome - An FAO pilot project that has proved a great success in combating desertification is to be rolled out more widely in an attempt to turn African drylands back into fertile land.

Issue date: 
June 10th, 2011

SFI Grant helps Audubon New York link forest management to bird conservation

Issue date: 
June 06, 2011

Ecosystem Goods and Services from Plantation Forests

Issue date: 
07 Jun 2011

Report: Tropical timber trade boosts sustainable management

Issue date: 
13 July, 2010

UPM agrees on sustainable forestry in Minnesota

Issue date: 
30 May 2011

UNDP, GEF Launch Sustainable Forest Management Project in Cambodia

Issue date: 

Congo's President for establishment of partnerships

Issue date: 
June 03, 2011

Malaysia Gets RM43 Million ODA From EU

KUALA LUMPUR, June 3 (Bernama) -- Malaysia received RM43 million in official development aid (ODA) from the European Union (EU) last year to promote legal timber trade and sustainable forest management.

In a statement Friday, the EU Delegation to Malaysia said the EU was also funding projects for small and middle enterprises to commercialise products made of biomass and for making batik production cleaner and safer for the workers.

Issue date: 
May 30, 2011

The international regulation of sustainable forest management


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by Dr. Radut