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Issue date: 
December 2, 2011

What Will Save Our Forests?

In this article I wrote for Earth Island Journal earlier this year detailing the fatal flaws of the climate mitigation scheme known as REDD (for Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and fo

Issue date: 
05 December 2011

UN forest protection scheme heading in wrong direction

“The outcome on REDD safeguards is a step backwards from what was agreed in Cancun last year, which itself was far short of what could have been agreed in Copenhagen. The provisions for safeguards in forest conservation are being shredded”, says Raja Jarrah, CARE’s Senior Advisor on REDD.

"This is bad news for millions of indigenous people and local communities whose livelihoods depend on forests.”

Issue date: 

Amazonian indigenous peoples against REDD

Peruvian indigenous organizations along with the Forest Peoples Program, an international non-profit that defends the rights of native forest-dwelling peoples, said in a recent report that carbon emission reduction programs tied to the Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation, or REDD, a United Nations-led program, are hurting indigenous rights.

Issue date: 
November 25th, 2011

Coast Tsimshian Resources signs contract to sell logs to Chinese company

Coast Tsimshian Resources has signed a contract to sell 150,000 cubic metres of logs to Fujian Hijong Wood Industry Co. Ltd. of Putian, China.

Issue date: 
10 November, 2011

Pilot Forest Carbon Trust Fund: Rewarding local communities for forest conservation

This is the first Forest Carbon Trust Fund in Nepal, and lessons learnt from this pilot project will be vital for understanding what kind of governance system will be required for implementing REDD+ at the national level when communities are actively involved in forest management.

Issue date: 
November 09, 2011

Improving forest peoples tenure rights reduces poverty and improves forest conditions, says new study

While Asia’s rapid growth has lifted millions out of poverty, persistent pockets still remain in areas beyond the embrace of development.

Issue date: 
October 19th, 2011

USAID Research and Analysis of Carbon Rights and Institutional Mechanisms for REDD+ Benefit Distribution

While a number of researchers and organizations in the US and internationally have highlighted the potential impacts of mitigation efforts on tenure, there remains minimal information and best practice on how to practically address these issues at the field level.

Issue date: 
Oct 11, 2011

Stop Imminent Land Grab That Threatens More Than 162,000 People in Tanzania

Iowa-based investor Bruce Rastetter and fellow investors in the industrial agricultural corporation AgriSol Energy have their sights on 800,000 acres (325,000 hectares) of land in Tanzania that is

Issue date: 
10 October, 2011

GEF Council to adopt revised Environmental and Social Safeguards in November

The Global Environment Facility (GEF) secretariat will propose to the next GEF Council meeting a revised set of Environmental and Social Safeguard Standards and accountability mechanisms that will accompany such standards.

Issue date: 
October 7, 2011

Landmark conservation buy gives to indigenous owners

In a landmark, first-of-its kind, acquisition for conservationists a global conservation group has led the purchase of Fish River Station, a former cattle station in the Northern Territory, and is to hand it back to indigenous traditional owners.


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by Dr. Radut