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External News

Issue date: 
05 December 2011

Malaysia Maintains 56.4 Per Cent Of Land Area As Forested Land

Malaysia is still able to maintain 56.4 per cent of its total land area as forested land, Natural Resources and Environment Minister Datuk Seri Douglas Uggah Embas said Monday.

He described it as an encouraging achievement because many countries were not able to do so as their forest areas had been opened for development.

Issue date: 
05 December 2011

UN forest protection scheme heading in wrong direction

“The outcome on REDD safeguards is a step backwards from what was agreed in Cancun last year, which itself was far short of what could have been agreed in Copenhagen. The provisions for safeguards in forest conservation are being shredded”, says Raja Jarrah, CARE’s Senior Advisor on REDD.

"This is bad news for millions of indigenous people and local communities whose livelihoods depend on forests.”

Issue date: 
05 December 2011

Without Law Enforcement, Forests Lose Out: Why Corruption and Impunity threaten REDD+ Goals

Law enforcement and anti-corruption activities are essential to successful and equitable efforts to reduce deforestation and forest degradation.

Issue date: 
05 December 2011

Solving Africa's Firewood Deforestation Problem - Bamboo?

A surging population in Africa seeking to provide energy for cooking needs has led to massive environmental damage, including soil degradation.
Worldwide deforestation accounts for 25-30 percent of annual CO2 global emissions, the result of the burning of brushland for subsistence agriculture and wood fires used for cooking.

Issue date: 
December 9, 2011

Indigenous Groups, Development Bank, and Yale University Move Forward With Cooperation on REDD

Representative from Pueblos Indígenas de la Cuenca Amazónica frente al Cambio Climático (Indigenous Peoples of the Amazon Basin to Combat Climate Change) have announced more details of a program that aims to help indigenous groups in the Amazon Basin develop REDD projects.  Initially ann

Issue date: 
December 9, 2011

Mountain forests under threat

The integrity and resilience of mountain forests is under threat from increasing temperatures and wildfires, population growth and food and fuel insecurity, warns a new FAO publication released today.

UN-REDD guidelines on FPIC: Open for consultation

The draft UN-REDD Programme Guidelines on Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC) are open for public review until 15th January 2012.

Issue date: 
December 14, 2011

New accord for tropical forests enters into force

The International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO) announced the entry into force of the International Tropical Timber Agreement, 2006 (ITTA, 2006) effective Wednesday, December 7th 2011.

Issue date: 
December 13, 2011

Asia Pulp & Paper (APP) Calls for Facts Not Fiction about Forest Protection

Asia Pulp & Paper Group (APP)

Issue date: 


The fifth Forest Day took place in Durban, South Africa, in parallel with the UN Durban Climate Change Conference, which convened from 28 November -9 December 2011.


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by Dr. Radut